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c/o : 15a TopheVendor r/b met will be sold at 08/03 at 20h if no more bids pending delivery
c/o : 40a Cute r/b met will be sold 08/03 at 20h if no more bids pending delivery
c/o : 10a MrMekas r/b 15a
Shadow shield q8 c/o :
Display Spoiler
Celestial Longbow c/o : 10a T Miles b/o : 10a - q8 +14% - 5
Divine Staff c/o : 19a IG b/o : 27a - q8 divine favor prenerf
Battlepick Axe c/o : 9a T Miles b/o : 9a q8 +16% under 50%
Korambits : c/o : 8a Ecto Sacrifice b/o : 8a q8 +14% w:e
Fellblade : c/o : 8a @T Miles b/o : 8a q11 prenerf + 13% w/e
Wingblade q8 +15w/e c/o : 50a LegendaryArtemisa r/b 50a
War Hammer q8 +15^50( Lion ) c/o : 40a LegendaryArtemisa r/b 40a
Amber Aegis q10t +45w/e -2 w/e c/o : 4a TopheVendor r/b : 4a
Guardian of the hunt q10 str + 10 demons + 41 w/e c/o : 2a @T Miles r/b : 2a
q9 ornate -2 w/e + 30 OS sold IG 5a
Fellblade q8 gold +14%w/e sold 15a IG
Gladius q8 gold prenerf +16 w/h sold 12a IG
Iridescent aegis q9 t - 2 w/e + 10 vs fire sold IG 8a
Platinum Staff q9 Dom 20/20 c/o :15a maskedvale r/b 15a
Cockatrice Staff q9 Communing 20/20 c/o : Sold IG 6a
Koi Scepter q9 chan +15 / - 1 HCT 10 % c/o : 5a
Water spirit road q13 20/20 c/o : 2a
Celestial q8 str +42 w/e -5/19 c/o : 4a ivann
Celestial q9t +45w/s -2w/s c/o : 5a @T Miles
Obsi staff q9 OS 20/20 sold IG 90a
SSS q13T purple +9 vs charr -5/17 c/o : 1a adrastos r/b met
Vertebreaker q9 +5e sold 5a IG
Zodiac sword q9 +5e OS sold 12a IG
Emblazoned Defender q10 str + 30 -5/19 c/o : b/o 150e fatbeard mcbeardface
Eternal Shield q10 str -2 w/e + 10 earth fatbeard mcbeardface b/o 8a
DV Q9 Os Magmas arm sold 2a IG
Elemental Sword Gold 14-19 q7 Ins c/o 2a ObsidiaN r/b met
Celestial staff q8 OS communing 18/10 c/o : 100e ObsidiaN r/b met
Bladed Shield q12t +45 w/e -2 w/e c/o : 5a IG b/o 8a sold IG
SWS q11 purple -2w/e + 21 hp s/b 1e c/o : 200e @T Miles r/b met
SSS q9 OS -2 w/st + 10 vs skeletons 220 GV c/o 50a m4sc0tte r/b 50a
Skull Shield q8 ar 16 purple -2w/h +30 w/st c/o : sold IG
Zodiac Shield OS q11 str -2w/e + 10 vs demons c/o : 20a IG r/b met
Zodiac staff q9 curses 20/20 sold 40a IG
Ornate Buckler q9t +10 vs skeletons -2w/st sold 3a
wingblade : c/o 6a HeavensDevil r/b 6a
long sword : c/o 6a HeavensDevil r/b 8a
gladius : c/o 6a HeavensDevil r/b 8a
Ancient Shield of Valor q8 tactics gold c/o : 10a nategoesevil r/b : 10a b/o 15a
elonian blade : c/o 5a IG
broadblade scimitar : c/o 5a IG
Iridescent Aegis q10 str -2w/e + 45 w/e c/o : sold IG 12a
Fellblade : c/o 15a IG SOLD
Brute sword : c/o 10a SOLD
spatha : c/o 5a IG SOLD
falchion : c/o 5a IG SOLD
Plagueborn purple q8 sold 250e
Shield of the Lion q8 gold str ins c/o : r/b 10a b/o 15a sold 15a
Ornate Buckler q8 tactics gold ins c/o : r/b 10a b/o15a sold 15a
Diamond aegis q10t -2 w:e + 10 vs plants sold 10a IG
Bo Blood q9 20/20 OS c/o : sold IG 16a
Q9 gold crysta ins : c/o : 25a Dracona SOLD for BO
Prenerf Gold Aegis q8t -3/6% : c/o : 24a +50 Xin Yhu r/b met
SSS q8t ins c/o : 25a Dracona
Tribal shield effigy skin q7/15 tactics c/o : 32a nategoesevil r/b 30a
Outcast q10t -2w/e + 30 hp c/o : 15a IG
Eternal Shield q9 str -2 w/st + 10 vs piercing : c/o : 6a TopheVendor sold 10a
Eternal Shield q10 str -2 w/st + 45 w/st : c/o : 26a fatbeard mcbeardface r/b SOLD
Eternal Shield q9 str + 10 vs undead - 2 w/st : c/o : 20a IG
Embossed Aegis q9t -2w/e + 45w/e c/o : 15a TopheVendor sold 15a
Echovald q9t +10 vs earth +44 w/e c/o : 12a Difermo
Crude q9 t -2w/st + 10 vs undead c/o : 5a vendu 10a IG
Ornate shield q9t + 45 w/e - 2 w/e c/o : SOLD 13a IG
Ornate shield q9t -2 w/e + 10 vs plants c/o : SOLD 13a IG
Ornate shield q9t - 2 w/e + 30 c/o : SOLD 13a IG
Echovald q9t +10 vs lightning + 30 hp c/o : sold 130a to Little Pony
Echovald q9 str + 10 vs piercing - 2 w/st c/o : SOLD ig 12A
Shadow Shield q9 str - 2 w:e + 10 vs undead c/o : 6a m4sc0tte r/b 20a sold IG 25a
Echovald q9 str - 2 w/st + 30 hp c/o : 100e fiedel r/b 20a SOLD IG 20a
Obsidian Staff q9 perfect OS c/o SOLD IG 70a
Sword Bundle s/b 50a c/o : SOLD IG 70a
Sun and Moon q7t ins c/o: SOLD 5a IG
Skull Shield q8t OS -3w/h + 44 w/e c/o : SOLD 14a IG
Gothic Defender q10str + 10 vs demons + 45w/e c/o : 6a Kyle SOLD 13a IG
Spiked targe q9t -2w/e +10 vs blunt c/o : r/b 12a sold 10a IG
Spiekd targe q9t -2w/e + 10 vs cold c/o : r/b 8a sold 10a IG
Spiked q9 str + 10 vs piercing + 30 hp c/o : 5a Little Pony r/b : 12a sold IG 14a
Tower shield q9 str + 10 vs skeletons -2 w/e c/o : 10a gdyb sold 12a IG
Bladed q9t + 41 w/e + 10 vs demons c/o : 50a Percy r/b 50a met
Equine Aegis q8t gold ins c/o : 180a Mortified Mango r/b met
SWS q10t + 30 + 10 vs lightning c/o: 25a SOLD 60a IG
Exalted Aegis q9t + 30 -3w/h c/o : 8a sold 20a IG
Gothic q9t +30 + 10 vs plants sold 20a IG
Amber Aegis q12t -2w/e + 10 vs demons sold 12a IG
skeleton q11t + 10 vs demons -2w/e sold 12a IG
Spiked targe q9t +30 -2w/e sold 10a
Aegis q9t + 10 vs slashing -2w/e sold 6a
tall shield q11t -2w/e + 10 vs demons sold 8a
Bronze shield q10t + 10 vs demons - 2 w/e sold 8a
Tower shield q9str + 10 vs piercing -2w/st sold 8a
Crude Shield q9t + 10 vs piercing - 2 w/st c/o : 5a Fixy
Aegis q9t +10 vs piercing -2w/e sold 8a
Zodiac shield q9 str +45 w/st - 2 w/st sold 60a
Q9 Eternal Blade c/o : 90a Ema Storm
Guardian of the Hunt q10 str + 44 w/e + 10 vs fire c/o : sold 7a
Bladed q10t + 30 + 10 vs plants sold 20a
round shield q9t + 10 vs plants + 30 sold 20a
SWS q9t -2 w/st + 10 vs fire sold 15a
Bladed q9t -2 w/e + 10 vs blunt sold 20a
Crude shield q9t -2w/st + 10 vs undead c/o : sold 8a
Zodiac shield q9t +30 -5/19 r/b sold 8a
Aegis q9t -2w/e + 10 vs piercing r/b 8a sold 8a
echovald shield q10str +45 w/st - 2 w/st sold 10a
Iridescent aegis q10 str +10 vs fire +30 sold 20a
Defender q9 str + 10 vs trolls + 29 hp c/o : r/b 2a +20e Shaz
Gloom Shield q9t -3w/h + 10 vs undead c/o : 2a Purely sold 5a
Gloom q9t +10 vs blunt -2w/st sold 5a
Gloom q10t -2w/st + 30 hp sold 5a
Reinforced Buckler q9t +45w/e -2w/e 5a TopheVendor sold 8a
Celestial sword q8 +15/ -5 c/o : 55a @T Miles
Reinforced Buckler q9t +10 vs demons -2w/e c/o : 3a DoOmBringerSOLD 10a
DV q9 Zodiac sword c/o : 20a Motoko r/b 25a b/o 30a
DZ q9 Zodiac sword c/o : 2a Motoko r/b 6a b/o 8a
Wooden q9t +1/20 tact +30hp sold 7a IG
Shadow q9str +1/20% str + 30 hp c/o : 55a Emma
Zodiac q9 blood 20/20 OS sold 30a
Zodiac fire staff q9 OS 20/20 c/o : 65a
Eternal shield q9str +44w/e -2w/e c/o : 15a
Eternal q10 str OS gold -2w/e +10 vs undead c/o : 12a m4sc0tte