Last bump
New items 20250119 : New OS Shields (r/b and b/o added)
Bump for delivery
New items come soon
Bump New items added
On your bid ready go
SH5: 1a
SH3: 100e
SH21: 1a
SH26: 2a
To start
December 21, 2022 at 1:02 AM Changed the title of the thread from “New Items [12-08-22] : New OS Shields : Echovald, Amber Aegis - OS Wand : Golden Pilar, Voltaic, Dragon Breath, Amber, Water Spirit Rod, Wayward, Plagueborn Scepter, Eternal Flame, Wailing, Truncheon, Zodiac, Water, Earth, Fire, Air” to “New Items [12-20-22] : New OS Shields : Echovald, Amber Aegis, Exalted Aegis, Zodiac Shield, Guardian of the Hunt...”. -
Sh41 2a
SH10 - 2a
SH 52 100e
SH3 2a
SH29 - 100e
SH47 - 100e
SH50 - 100e
SH3 2a
SH41 4a
SH52 1a
sh16 1a any b.o?
SH1 - 10a
SH20 1a
SH37 10a
SH 52 1a +50e
IGN: Blokkmonsta I
Sh4 1a
SH30 & SH50 1a/ea
Bump r/b and b/o added
SH52 2a+50e
IGN: Blokkmonsta I
sh30 2a
sh31 50e
IGN: Do Om Bringer
rb sh4
For r/b met i will sell in 24h if no more bid
Have fun
Sh13 100e