OS items: q8 aureate daggers +5e, q9 deadly cesta 10/9, q9 smiting cockatrice 20/10, 10/10 q12 death cele scepter, cele staff [closed]
Paulie Gualtieri
September 15, 2023 at 6:35 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS items: q8 aureate daggers +5e, q9 deadly cesta 10/9, q9 smiting cockatrice 20/10” to “OS items: q8 aureate daggers +5e, q9 deadly cesta 10/9, q9 smiting cockatrice 20/10, 10/10 q12 death cele scepter, cele staff”. -
Aureate will be 50e -2a range imo
Celestial scepter a good 30-60e
I would merch the rest gl
Paulie Gualtieri
September 17, 2023 at 10:46 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS items: q8 aureate daggers +5e, q9 deadly cesta 10/9, q9 smiting cockatrice 20/10, 10/10 q12 death cele scepter, cele staff” to “OS items: q8 aureate daggers +5e, q9 deadly cesta 10/9, q9 smiting cockatrice 20/10, 10/10 q12 death cele scepter, cele staff [closed]”. -
agree, would see aureate rather max 1a
Marty Silverblade
September 18, 2023 at 1:31 AM Closed the thread.