Reserve right not to sell and so on and so on. Gl

CLOSE PLEASE :WTS 2x Q8 16 gold Aureate Aegis mot/comm (Twins), and 15-21 q8 Ele Sword.
September 24, 2023 at 3:06 AM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Q8 16 gold Aureate Aegis (Twins), and 15-21 q Ele Sword.” to “WTS 2x Q8 16 gold Aureate Aegis mot/comm (Twins), and 15-21 q8 Ele Sword.”. -
5a on the q8 com aureate
10a com aureate
1a elemental
3a ele
15a aureate
7a ele
8a elemental
How much are you willing to pay for the max dmg
1a motivation aureate
10a ele
5a motivation aureate
17a command
7a motivation
20a aureate
Last bump.
22a com aureate
25a com aureate
26a command
30a aureate
Ended. Req not meet. Thx everyone for bid. Il keep items
September 28, 2023 at 2:02 AM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS 2x Q8 16 gold Aureate Aegis mot/comm (Twins), and 15-21 q8 Ele Sword.” to “CLOSE PLEASE :WTS 2x Q8 16 gold Aureate Aegis mot/comm (Twins), and 15-21 q8 Ele Sword.”. -
Marty Silverblade
September 28, 2023 at 2:20 AM Closed the thread.