95 - 4a
183 - r/b
95 - 4a
183 - r/b
17 rb
19 rb
27 3a
112 - 2a
r/b - 132
115 | Echo | +44 we | +10 demons | q9 tac | 332 |
retract 5a for a botted items you lost you mind.
crusan This is a shield of my collection, don't remember on which thread I bought it. If you want to be absolutly certain none of what you buy is botted, what are you doing here mate? stop playing and/or collecting items on gw, start another game or something else Idk..
Lio R/b 31, 40, 169
27a on #130
30a 130
35a #130
36a 130
40a #130
Echo 115 21a
bump wesh
130 41a
137 1a
159 | Bladed | +45 we | -2 we | q12 tac | 348 |
130 | Bladed | +10 demons | +45 we | q12 tac | 172 |
122. 5a
139 - 50 ectos
115 22a
130 50a
115 30a
115 35a
115 40a
115 55a
115 60a
115 65a
86 - 1a