Thank you.
Thank you.
1-4,7 merch
5,6 100-150e ea
8 20e
idk rest
3,4 - 10-25e ea (Q9 20/10s are collectable)
1-4,7 merch
5,6 100-150e ea
8 20eidk rest
"idk rest"
you dunno any! every single pc ive seen from you has been god fucking awful. if you dunno prices, dont give pcs!!!!
1 10-15e
2 5e+- hard to sell
3 40-70e
4 15-20e
7 5e+- hard to sell
Since everyone has ignored it #11 i'd say <5e it's an ugly skin and they are hard to sell at 20/10
I gave one away selling a few adept heads, I didn't feel the staff was worth using a perf kit to get the head off to save the staff. I figured the adept head buyer could decide if he wanted to try his luck with the staff.