Question Game Mechanic Casting time

  • Hi,

    Is Casting time from mes stackable with -15% casting time from a Pumpkin pie?

    If yes, what is working first?

    And all these stackable with?

    For example, how long is a cast of a 2 sec spell with 7 Points in fastcast and 15% Pumpkin pie?

    And how long if hct from the weapon is working?

    Ty much for the Help.

  • As a general rule bonuses stack multiplicatively. Oftentimes there's a limit, though individual sources that exceed this will have their full effect, and some sources are exempt from the limit.

    Per the wiki, the limit for reduced casting time is 25% and the fast casting bonus is exempt.

    If my interpretation is correct:
    First example: 2 seconds * 0.85 (pie) * 0.72 (fc) = 1.224 seconds.
    Second example: 2 seconds * 0.5 (hct mod) * 0.72 (fc) = 0.72 seconds. Pie would be ignored because the hct mod alone exceeds the cap.