Looks like the Roman Legion type. Has inscription slot.

Blue r7 Str. al15 Defender shield
December 13, 2023 at 1:09 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Blue r7 al15 Defender shield” to “Blue r7 Str. al15 Defender shield”. -
Low req strength shields are hard to sell as only warrior can use it....
...but, if it's the shiny red and gold rectangle that Red Fireball is infatuated with, perhaps he needs another and would toss a few ectos at it. (possibly depending on gold value or)
heh thanks for the tag! but I do indeed already have one and would not need another. also as stated the low req str are tough sales since no application. you can occasiinally sell them for 5-25e, but it is an effort.
Thank you, Red
Marty Silverblade
January 31, 2024 at 11:42 PM Closed the thread.