Igneous Maul q5

  • I hesitated to answer because I don’t have a great one, but it has been a day with no replies so here’s my 2c:

    This is quite rare in terms of enemies who could drop it. The two main options are the vaettir(rabbit cave) in Varajar fells or the warband of brothers spiders which I have been interested in before as a farming option. (Note based on private message: arachni spiders MAY have the same drop table but seem not to)

    The problem is that the rabbit cave, the most likely place for this to drop, is the most farmed spot in EoTN for low req items. So likely a decent number of these have dropped for people in search of low req Darkwing, etc.

    Edited once, last by Anti (March 17, 2024 at 3:17 PM).