Spiked 45e

Q8 Hornbow Mursaat Skin
Ancient 10a
q8/16 str Eternal Shield - 60a
retracted Spiked Targe offer
I'll take b/o on q8 gold eternal
IGN: Adeliontis Fae
Q8 gold eternal 20a
61a white inscribe eternal
bump, b/o added
B/o on eternal gold q8 pls
B/o broadblade + militia shield
Ancient: - 11a
Eternal insc: - 62a
eternal inscript 65a
Q8 poison eternal b/o
I've already claimed b/o on q8 poison eternal on earlier comment... Tried pming seller and no response, has read the conversation on both messages, not sure whats going on
Oh sorry, 100a on poison eternal
Hey going to sell middle of the week, can’t do it earlier.
Ben Bowied overbid b/o from EthelWulfX96 sorry.
100a c/oSelling everything on Wednesday if the price is okay.
Retract offer, am good on this shield. Thanks
Last bump selling tomorrow, can also meet tomorrow.
June 9, 2024 at 7:16 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Selling q8 Insc / q8 & others.” to “Q8 Hornbow Mursaat Skin”. -