2 Fa authentication/ problems log in to the game ( Thread Closed )

  • Hello. I would like to get help because i cant log in to my account. I am a little bit confused since i did not log in for a while and i dont know what to do. Is my account hacked or is this something new to the game?

    Last time i did not get this window hopping up, and i did not log in from different ip adress, since i did always play the game from the same location.

    Thanking you all forward for your help.

  • Ohh, then i am a little bit calmed down. I did really think i got hacked. The other problem is i dont know for which email adress i got the authentification code, because for what email adress i did use to log in with to the game has been sleeped for a long time. I assume that was the email adress they did sent the code, but my mail is totally empty.

    Looking for forward help.

  • the code should go to the email you use to log into the gw account. and if you still have access to that email account that should be all you need.

    if you didnt get the email, i would try again a few times, check spam folder maybe and if nothing works you will have to contact anet support.

    edit: if you havent logged into your email in a long time, it may have been in some suspended state where only after logging in you will be able to receive emails again. at least thats what i think i have experienced in the past.

    Verdammter Choleriker lässt Folgendes fallen: Verfluchter Stab.

    • check spam folder
    • if you havent logged into your email in a long time, it may have been in some suspended state where only after logging in you will be able to receive emails again.

    For the second one, try to send an email to another email of you from the account you log in to GW. Respond to this email to test if your email address receives mail.

    After that, try to get into GW and check spam folder.

    Alliance Battle does not determine who is right — only who is left.

  • Well. A little update. I did manage to recover my arenanet account, and i am getting emails to my email adress. Arenanet did help me out with this. What should be the next step? How this 2 fa works/how should i get the code to log in to the game?

    ( i do get emails with a code everytime i log in to my arenanet account. Those codes are the same to log in to the game also? )

    The other thing i do not understand, the message says i am logging in to the game with a new ip adress. I did check the arenanet account, and the ip adress is allowed on my arenanet account, since i always used to log in to the game from the same place. Should i worry about my account got hacked? Or this is just normal about the message window.

    Edited once, last by Arnold (July 24, 2024 at 11:02 PM).

  • Those codes are the same to log in to the game also?

    The other thing i do not understand, the message says i am logging in to the game with a new ip adress.

    You have the right password for GW, otherwise you can't get the to the window where it ask you for the Code in the email.

    What I don't understand, if you get the Code and you copy it into the window like in your first post, why can't you log in. Or can you?

    If you never logged in with the Code, the window of your first post will always pop up. Same happens, if you uncheck the box in the picture of your first post.

    Alliance Battle does not determine who is right — only who is left.

  • You are right. I did think about it, and figured out how how this 2 fa thing works. I did not try yet cuz i am at vacation, but i am pretty sure now it will be okay. I just got a little bit of panic, and i did misunderstand the situation. I did think its a 1 time code, not that i get a new code everytime.

    Edited once, last by Arnold (July 25, 2024 at 11:24 PM).

  • Arnold July 27, 2024 at 2:16 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Problems with logging in to the game” to “Close thread please”.
  • Please change the title of the thread back to Problems with logging in to the game. The best thing to do is to write * Problem solved *
    This is the only way others with the same problem can find a solution.

    Alliance Battle does not determine who is right — only who is left.

  • Arnold July 27, 2024 at 3:07 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Close thread please” to “Problems with logging in to the game”.
  • Arnold July 27, 2024 at 9:39 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Problems with logging in to the game” to “2 Fa authentication/ problems log in to the game ( Thread Closed )”.