This series will entail a number of credits of people who have made certain things possible throughout my collecting career. I do hope you enjoy. I have based my collections upon what I can fit in a heavy equipment pack, that meet every need of utilitarian nature that I desire, whether that be Req8 solo farming, Sorrows Furnace, chest running, PvP, etc. My Ranger has always been my heart and soul for GW, and has been what I have always focused on. I have a few other collection pieces on my Warrior and Assassin, but I will save those for My Favorite Weapon Sets as they have never been my primary focus.
I will expand further upon this philosophy of collecting around usability and equipment packs later on. More to come.
This typically gets utilized as my runner set, or 1v1 Ranger set in the Guild hall
Credits: gwmacdaddy Icy Jade Sword of Defense
Mortified Mango Eternal Shield