Super low dmg Purple: "Summit Axe Q7 5-14 14^Enchant"

  • I got a wierd drop, which I can not wrap my head around:

    The Requirement is soo high for the little dmg it provides.

    According to Red Fireballs Thread 5-13 should be min. dmg. So is this is super rare find, or am I mistaken?

    IGN: Baal der Krieger

  • it is indeed the current known min damage for a q7 axe and might be somewhat rare, but it is still not sellable imho. much rather a novelty. a bit like if your dog shat exactly in the shape of a brezel... it might be goddamn rare, but still I doubt there'd come big value from it. you can keep it as a novelty, see if you find a collector of novelties and certainly if you find one you can get some ecto for the effort and sibce indeed it is rather rare. but nothing you could count for or where you'd expect big money.

    glad you took notice and checked the thread!


    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier