Looking to possibly sell or trade this collection of my complete collection of Eye Of The North dungeon end chest items. All of these items are q9 unidentified. Also threw in a couple bonus q9 unid items like the e blade, crystalline, obsidian edge and a few bonus items that are nice skins. Looking to sell or trade for shields. I can post attributes of the items or more screen shots upon request. Thank you
q9 UNID collection
5a to start funfun
10a, I hope what you buy with the money will be even nicer than this collection 🙂
Also, do you plan to sell as a collection or you accept individual offers?
200a for collection, gotta love "power traders" with the low ball offers to start
201a, I placed my bid just to talk to the OP, you smart boy
505a, theres apps for that stuff, my boy. have fun getting responses every 24 hours...
looking to sell it all as a set not individual pieces
551a, "Deals91" calling anyone else a power trader is surely funny 😘
555a, I would like to know if the mods have been tested please. Thanks