hey, been farming mostly celestials, but I am not quite sure what prices I generally should be looking for because of the various ranges of mods, i tried using this as a guide but i figure its better safe than sorry. much thanks again for anyone who is willing to answer The basis to evaluate OS weapons
mostly for the future so i dont just spam posts checking every "potential" drop i may get or stuff. if theres a ballpark since i imagine celestials aren't terribly in demand.
pc about celestial items
Only thing that will really be valuable from celestials will be :
Wands with perfect dual mods 20/20 or 20/19 or -15+1 20% etc...
Staff but only 20/20 with base req magic And mod matching (so sad for your q9 illusion here that will go for only a fraction of the price if anyone wants it).
Shields q9 dual mods mostly
Dual vamp q9 cele sword staff ace etc
Q8 swords axe etc max dmg or q8 shields
Tldr : first Shield is merch, second one maybe a few arms 1-2 ... Second one would have been quite valuable if perfect
Bow is 5 10e or so
Staff 1-50e range m
thank you very much! this helps immensely and i appreciate your time too
the ballparks will help me going forward too