• Hi,
    Another returning player here (after 12 years). I had 24 titles before I left, and I thought getting a few others would be a good idea.

    I went through my chars and mules and found this on my Warrior char. I kept them back then, so I am sure I thought they could be worth something. If I remember correctly, the Shield of the Eing was a pre-nerf something (it was worse than the newer shields.

    Technically, I don't need more money, but knowing how much they are worth now would be interesting. And another question: I have tons of minis (10 main chars 20 years old, and another 15-20 mules, the youngest is 12 years old, a lot of birthdays)

  • Beautiful! Giving exact value is rly Hard, if ure not looking to sell Hard to find out either. In General post it for sale, give it few weeks and dont sell to pm to find out.

    But in rough scale, each of the q8s could hit 3 digit armbraces.

    If i threw rough numbers out of my head id say fell 50-100a, fds 150-250a and sotw 100-300a, but as said above its impossible to predict what ppl actually Willing to pay, esp the shield is big question mark it is rly nice

    Edited once, last by Pleikki (February 28, 2025 at 10:18 PM).

  • SotW is very nice and i'd value it around 150a

    fds is 250a

    fellblade 50a

    birthday minis are all but valueless. Vizu pretty much the only valuable-ish one, and even then only a couple arms


    How about the "special" minis?

    I have a few unded Kuunavangs, Varesh's, celestial minis (don't know why but I have 10 tigers), and few promotional minis is (two dedicated grawls, Ceteradon, Asura, Grey Giant)