Like the title says, is it still possible for a Q8 gold scythe to drop? If yes, where to start?
Edit: spelling
Like the title says, is it still possible for a Q8 gold scythe to drop? If yes, where to start?
Edit: spelling
It never did.
if spear q8 max drop, there is not a reason why scythe q8 max cannot drop.
the only max q8 I saw is blue and purple and these purples came from kournan chest, if you want to start try to start with War Preparations (Wind and Water
be prepared the drop rate is a pain.
yes they do, your best chance is imo chest running nm
for clarification:
q8 9-40 can drop
q8 9-41 cannot
if spear q8 max drop, there is not a reason why scythe q8 max cannot drop.
the only max q8 I saw is blue and purple and these purples came from kournan chest, if you want to start try to start with War Preparations (Wind and Water
be prepared the drop rate is a pain.
If a new/returning player asks if q8 max scythes can still drop i suppose he doesnt ask for postnerf max.
if spear q8 max drop, there is not a reason why scythe q8 max cannot drop.
the only max q8 I saw is blue and purple and these purples came from kournan chest, if you want to start try to start with War Preparations (Wind and Water
be prepared the drop rate is a pain.
If a new/returning player asks if q8 max scythes can still drop i suppose he doesnt ask for postnerf max.
there isnt pre or post nerf with scythes because the nerf happened before gw nightfall.
crusan but at this quest theres just lvl 15 foes? Wouldnt the regular foes that can drop q8 max shields be better? Like lvl 18-20?
you can get q8 stuff from lvl 15+, the max thing, is the issue and of course the better is lvl 16 to 20 but near to 20 is the rare fight vs all the q9 to q13 max stuff.
If a new/returning player asks if q8 max scythes can still drop i suppose he doesnt ask for postnerf max.
there isnt pre or post nerf with scythes because the nerf happened before gw nightfall.
Then its max for the req, but not max. Idk, its retarded and you on this forum are aswell ima get out of here
Shaya go eat your salt tablets...