Selling OS +10 vs Demons -2 while Enchanted - Q10 Round Shield PM ME here or in game @ Darius Stormcharger

Selling Weapons
2e 500g
January 8, 2019 at 3:51 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Selling OS Shield” to “Selling Weapons”. -
WTS Q9 - Blood Magic - Bone Dragon Staff = 25a B/O
Bump new thread - as written
***mod edit--use the EDIT function to ADD information to a post!--do NOT bump your thread early, remember to wait 24 HOURS between posts in your own thread!!--posts MERGED--mod edit***
WTS Q10 Fast Casting Bone Dragon Staff
Offers can be posted here - Bump thread if needed
WTS Q9 EBlade PM ME in game with Best Offers (Darius Stormcharger)
WTS OS Q10 Strength +60 while hexed -3 while hexed Gothic Defender PM Offers here or in game (Darius Stormcharger)
WTS Bladed Shield Q13 +10 vs Demons -2 While Enchanted PM Offers on here or in game @ Darius Stormcharger
WTS Q9 Spawning Power Bone Dragon Staff pm me w/ offers in game - Darius Stormcharger EDIT: SOLD
WTS OS Q9 Tactics Ornate Shield +10 vs Demons -2 while Enchanted PM here or in game
IGN = Darius Stormcharger
Do you still have the Ornate Shield?
January 27, 2021 at 10:28 AM Closed the thread.