#1 #2
#4 #5
#7 #8
#10 #11
#1 #2
#4 #5
#7 #8
#10 #11
All still available, bump
20e oni daggers
50e on the +45/-2e Echovald.
100e shadow shield
EDIT : retracted, found one in game
100e: +10v Demons Echo
Thanks for offers but still looking for more
ADDED: q12 tac +10(demons) -2WE | c/o 4A
Shadow shield sold @110e
Bump - Clearing out some of my beloved Gothic defenders to make space for echovalds
35e on the ogres +30 q10
bump, sold some privately
50e #7
35e for #5
#7 - 55e
12 : 15e
Ig : Blind Was My Fury
5,6,7,11 10e each