q8 Insc. Short Sword


    Hi Mates,

    first of all, this is not my item, it didn't drop for me and it's currently not in my posession. A dear friend of mine has held it for quite a while now but is thinking about to sell it right now. Since he doesn't have a Legacy Account he asked me to set it up here for sale. But I don't really have a clue about this sword, since I don't know where it could be dropped. I made some research, but according to guildwiki it only drops in Istan and in "The Mirror of Lyss" (in Vabbi). Both of these areas shouldn't contain Enemies which will dorp q8 max dmg Swords, so I'm not sure whether he has got it somewhere else, or my information on droplocation is wrong.

    That is why I want to have your honest opinion. I'm neither sure if this sword is a common insc q8 nor I'm sure if it's worth a lot or where it can drop. My friend wont help me with the last bit of information -.-

    Ok here is a Screen.

    Hit me Up with your opinion.

    Thanks in advance

    Edited once, last by Kugiini: close please (March 25, 2019 at 4:27 PM).

  • Short sword is core skin and drops everywhere, i know some q8 insc short swords dropped from boxing tournament, last1 i saw here on legacy sold half year ago like 40-50a i think with some sort of Bid war, imo one would sell less now, mayke 20-30a imo

  • The short sword that Ikki is referring to dropped by level 20 summits in Eotn. The last record of that particular sword I found was April 2018 had a R/B met offer of 40a. It may have sold for more that wasn’t posted. I would say 30a-40a wouldn’t be unheard of in currently time.

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    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

  • cosyfiep March 27, 2019 at 5:22 PM

    Closed the thread.