Hi, after few chst runs my bag is full so I need a PC on this items before I'll sell/merch it

PC OS Items
I'd merch those.
Wait for more opinions
Staff 1 is about 20-30e. I can't really say for the others. I would honestly just take whatever anyone offers. The dragon kamas could be worth something though. I remember someone in Kama looking for them.
Axe1 Tyrian or Canthan? If Tyrian 15-25e. If Canthan, much more, potentially 75e-100e+
Bow1 would personally merch
Bow2/4 3e-5e hard to sell
Bow3 10e
Bow5 5e
Daggers1 20e-30e
Daggers2 10e
Hammer1 5-10e
Hammer2 I would merch but people love the colossal pick.
Sword1 3-5e
Sword2 I would personally merch
June 15, 2019 at 4:29 PM Closed the thread.