Got some new OS items for sale, not sure whats worth and whats not, so it's s/b 1e on everything.
Will take offers til friday, rest goes to merch for bagspace.
1. q9 Str Plagueborn Shield -3 while hexed, +1 tactics 19%
2. q10 Tac Tall Shield +57hp while hexed, -5 20%
3. q13 Tac Embossed Aegis +10 vs plats -2 while in stance
4. q13 Tac Embossed Aegis -5 19%, +45 while enchanted
5 q12 Tac Echovald Shield -5 20%, +44 while enchanted
6. q9 Str Wooden Buckler +1 heal prayers 19%, -2 while enchanted c/o 40e Moqua Tyroth
7. q9 Str Wooden Buckler -2 while enchanted, +10 vs ogres c/o 50e Mozo
8. q9 Plagueborn daggers +15% while enchanted gold value: 408g c/o 1e LittleFishie
9. q9 Jade Daggers +15% -5e c/o 5e Joker
10. q9 Kris Daggers +15% while in stance gold value: 276g
11. q9 Kris Daggers +15% -5e c/o 5e Joker
12. q9 Smith Smithing Staff HC divine 20% c/o 10e Cataphract
13. q10 Chann Bo Staff HC 10%
14. q9 Div Holy Staff HC 10%
15. q9 Div Holy Branch HC 10%
16. q9 Div Holy Branch HC 10%
17. q9 Bramble Hornbow +15 while enchanted
18. q9 Composite Bow +15^50 c/o 15e evo
19. q10 Jade Longbow 15^50
20. q9 Jade Longbow +5e c/o 10e Purely
21. q9 Celestial Longbow 15^50 SOLD
22. q9 Crenellated Sword +15% while enchanted
23. q9 Wicked Blade +15% while enchanted
24. q9 Vertebreaker 15^50 c/o 25e gyftov
25. q9 Jade Sword +15^50
26. q9 Archaic Axe +15^50
27. q9 Morning Star +15^50
28. q9 Hand Axe +15^50 c/o 11e Hyndzy
29. q9 Illusion Jade Wand +14e -1e reg, HC healing 20%
30. q9 Water wand HSR 10%, HC 10% c/o 10e Cataphract
31. q13 Channeling Rod HC chann 20%, +15e -1e reg
32. q10 Jade hammer +15^50
33. q9 Marble Hammer +15% -5e c/o 5e Joker