Os stuff from Chest Run (shields, staff, q8 focus)

  • divine symbol imo 25-75e, maybe a little more if some1 rly likes it

    jug maybe 10-25e

    q8 cele shield is funny, imo 1-5a

    q9 cele shield imo merch

    tendril staff 25e tops imo

    echovald 25-100e

    emblazoned merch imo


    ign: Katze Kami

  • I'd agree with Pleikki regarding the q8 offhand that I'm interested in. If you posted for 25-75e I'd guarantee a lot of people would buy just to resell. I'd most likely value the item for more than what most people would offer, so I'd never sell in your position (Just thinking about how many chests I've ran to only get an occasional single mod q8 offhand, would make me feel like its worth way more)

    But a range in the 100-200e range seems more accurate. Of course Bid-wars could make it see a lot higher...it just depends on how many collectors of these mod types there are tbh. Based on similar sale posts of q8 wands/offhands, there doesn't seem to be a lot of activity on the bids unless they are the favorable dual mods.

  • that q9 jug is merch, you wont get anything with 9/9%

    I think you can get more than pleikki is letting you on. I bought a offhand like that close to 250e in 2016 I think it was. Even tho it has mediocre mods on it has somewhat of decent mod and q8 IF there are any interest of it. Maybe I overpayed for it back then,but this is also 3years later where other mediocre weapons is worth more.

    that echo shield shield is merch,its q11 with 1 off

    same with the celestial shield,its 2 off even if its q9

    I dont think the embla demon shield is quite merch,perhaps a few e or whatever offer you can get,since it is a quite decent doa shield for beginners

  • cosyfiep September 3, 2019 at 2:49 AM

    Closed the thread.