Hello everyone.
Recently i got interested by farming some low req weapons. especially scythes, spears and shields of course.
So i went on the requirement page of wiki to know all max damage weapons for low req.
req 5 scythe are supposed to be 9-32 but i just noticed i have a 10-32 one xD
Can someone tell if its a bugged wep or is it because i customized it or something else ? x)
Here it is :
I bought this scythe 50e when i did my comeback of 8 years break, i bought it to practice my first sc's and of course i had no clue what was the max damage for low req weapons
its been 2 years im using it and i just noticed 2 days ago it was 10-32 dmg.
Pls dont tell me it would be xx armbraces wep if not customized xD
So anyone got some infos about this ? is it bugged or kinda rare ?
Edit : i actually found some infos about it on wiki
- Scythes with a maximum less than 41 damage occasionally have a minimum of 10 damage.
- They have a lower critical hit factor than other weapons. Maximum weapon damage is multiplied by 1.09 (2^0.125) instead of 1.41 (2^0.5 = √ 2).
- They have an inherent ability to strike up to three adjacent foes in front of the wielder. All bonuses (and penalties) will be calculated for each successful hit, including those from attack skills.
- For example, Vampiric scythes can steal up to 15 health per swing.
- Some skills can cause different types of effects on each hit, e.g. Desperation Blow might cause different conditions on each foe.
- The range of the scythe is slightly larger than adjacent and is not the same as that used by Cyclone Axe or Ancestors' Rage.