PC Echowald shield Q9 tactic

  • Illyana March 6, 2020 at 6:29 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Echowald shield Q9 tactic” to “PC Echowald shield Q9 tactic”.
  • yeah i kinda knew this would happen because theres no fun allowed in these forums, so let me rephrase:

    as someone who would buy that shield for 5e i agree with the previous pc!

    now, was it really necessary to make me type it out this way or could we just have assumed i was trying to make sure the item im possibly interested in doesnt get merched due to the pc it was getting? without the need to make a shady private wtb message? who knows (:

    IGN: Joker Hates Trading

    Feel free to message me ingame :)

  • A few thoughts on this items value.

    Considering Echo is kinda common its unlikely to have much interest.

    Obviously it has some value because mods are useful and only 1 off max

    Some people would say merch or hero, id say the latter if you cant sell.

    Yes there are those who collect +29 (Joker), if he needs you can sell.

    From past trades I would say 5-10e is fair.

    Although would recommend you not spend loads of time trying to sell.

    Good work on the language choice "pieces d'or" is much better :)

    IGN: Pyro Loves Lobsters

    • Official Post

    The only echovalds really worth much of anything are q8/16 ones. The skin drops fairly often and it is heavily bot farmed. I just went and took a look in st. anjekas and the echovald factories are running strong so if you can get 5-10e for it I would take it. I really do enjoy seeing screens of items in other languages.

  • cosyfiep April 6, 2020 at 6:54 PM

    Closed the thread.