Discussing professions? Discussing skills.

  • A dedicated forum for discussing professions, I suggest that one is retired.
    No posts, and I'm not sure how much more we could discuss professions after 11 years of Guild Wars.

    An alternative idea would be a "Skill-of-the-day", or a "Skill-of-the-week".
    For each period, day or week, a skill-topic is started where people can post all their ideas, theory crafts, builds, basically anything that's allowed and within topic. After a set period of time, the topic is locked. Possibly several skills open for dicussion at a time for various professions.

    Either way it's surely more interesting than discussing professions :D

    Since the forum is within "Builds" section, I guess it should follow suit. So perhaps a "Build Wars" forum where people try to come up with clever builds based on strange skill combinations set by the mods :)

    Edited once, last by Lexx (February 5, 2017 at 2:49 AM).

  • In addition to ditching the Professions subforum, it would be ideal if the PvE and PvP subforums were broadened to include things like mission discussion and tactics rather than being specific to builds. There isn't really a place for this atm.

    What kind of boards do you suggest?

  • Maybe call the category for Tactics instead of Builds.

    Too easy to create a dozen of sub forums where most will remain empty, like:

    • PvE Skill Talk
    • PvE Mission Talk
    • PvE Builds
    • PvE Build Wars
    • PvP Skill Talk
    • PvP Talk
    • PvP Build Wars
    • ...

    Maybe start a vote/discussion thread and see what people are mostly interested in, and best ideas to keep it limited to maybe to PvE/PvP, and perhaps 2 subforums each.

  • I'd just have two forums which contain everything related to participation in PvE and PvP content. So for PvE it'd contain builds, quest/mission discussion, chestrunning discussion, farming, anything related to PvE titles (eg, cartography), speedclear stuff, etc. PvP would be about builds, formats, etc. Tbh if someone wants to talk about PvP they go to teamquitter, plus there isn't really the scope to talk about builds like there is for PvE, so I doubt there'll be much activity in such a forum regardless.

  • I'd just have two forums which contain everything related to participation in PvE and PvP content. So for PvE it'd contain builds, quest/mission discussion, chestrunning discussion, farming, anything related to PvE titles (eg, cartography), speedclear stuff, etc. PvP would be about builds, formats, etc. Tbh if someone wants to talk about PvP they go to teamquitter, plus there isn't really the scope to talk about builds like there is for PvE, so I doubt there'll be much activity in such a forum regardless.

    I only play pre & pvp I will leave this site I think after I can buy some greens that I want. I'm kinda sick and tired being banned by some people for either speaking my mind or being muslim. This post was probably a mistake also. But Oh Well.

    Patience is a virtue....But if you want to rupt 1/4 skills and beat bots that virtue is not meant for us...

    Edited once, last by Ayhan Ozkara (May 9, 2017 at 9:40 AM).