- Official Post
Figured it was time to get this one up and running again...if need be someone will merge it with the old one (wont be me though)
so let us know what good (or really bad) things happened for you today while playing!
Figured it was time to get this one up and running again...if need be someone will merge it with the old one (wont be me though)
so let us know what good (or really bad) things happened for you today while playing!
Happy to see this thread back! Got this absolute gem today whilst chesting in Pongmei. Happy is an understatement
Crikey! That's one of the best chest run drops in a long time. Congrats!
Crikey! That's one of the best chest run drops in a long time. Congrats!
Absolutely insane! I am still in awe!
well, dang if I had known that making a new thread would get such great drops, this would have been my first thread here!
so last week i decided to go for the treasure hunter title (need 7.5k chests) , and after almost 2 stacks of lockpicks i finally got my first cool drop
i know it's not perfect, but hopefully i can make some money back with it
Cool drop Chill. GL on the treasure hunter. Most fun title in GW!
got this today... /sad panda (this is what I get for dual mods)
Finally after over 20k 450g chests
had to salvage some junk and got this for my troubles:
today in pongmei valley: was running in NM by accident (!) and then this happened... didn't even realize at first and just picked it up but then hesitated to indentify it lol
Ah man. Ain't that a kick in the teeth. Any r8/16 echovald should get your heart racing..... but then so far off max on the mods it hurts.
Talk to Emma. She might want it though
that sure is a sweet drop gz man! (wtb
Ive been super unlucky with drops atleast for past year, While ive kept chest running, Farming charr when ever i see favor and doing vanquishes and HM missions i havent got anything 20e+ in atleast Year, today finally got someting nice, Ofc Skin is about worst possible but atleast mods are awesome
Nice shield Pleikki!
I got these two in the past two days while chestrunning HP.
That 1 off tho
Ran 8days tascas normal mode for magmas/sws/sss/raven staffs, kept all unid until today and just Id at same 21 magmas, 2 summit warlord, 2 stone summit and 4 raven staffs
there the dual mods i got
Just started playing again after 7-8 year break???? ( really not sure). However while in the Catacombs a black dye dropped for me and I was completely dumbfounded. ^__^
Ran 8days tascas normal mode for magmas/sws/sss/raven staffs, kept all unid until today and just Id at same 21 magmas, 2 summit warlord, 2 stone summit and 4 raven staffsthere the dual mods i got
you were suppose to get me like 5 perfs from that batch..
Not sure if this goes in here or not but I'll post because it was a fun day.
Yesterday the Zaishen Mission was Nahpui Quarter. I figured I would run it for fun and I needed Hard mode anyways. I got a friend from guild to go and we put together a team of 8 real humans in less than 10 minutes and completed the mission in roughly 17 mins. Well we all decided to reroll and play the mission again and again and a 4th time. Our fastest time was like 8 minutes. It was by far the most fun I have had in GW for a long time. I miss the old days of full human parties doing HM elite mission and dungeons, seems to be so rare these days. anyways GW treated me really well yesterday, just thought I would share.
its good to see folks still enjoying this great game--and yes Reign, even though your post was not a drop--guildwars did TREAT you today
In my news for today...it was rams hammer day.../sigh
You could say that GW didnt treat me today, but I did. My faction collector edition came in today. Scored some Aion wings and will receive my nightfall collector edition next week.
Today was yet another good day:
10 max titles in pre
After much looking/spamming, I finally got my 18% Vs Charr presearing bow mod!! I logged in to find a bloke selling one in Ascalon & we made a trade straight away, so GW had my back today.
Lov'in presearing atm, thanks Emma for getting me back into it!
You know... EK... that is an illegal item in presearing that you are showing off =P
We DEFINITELY need a newt central Chestruns thread with updated locations & drops !!
didnt know tasca could drop so much magma ! :o
In pursuit of my first ever GWAMM, I am working my way through Tyria skill capping. Today there has been alot of Hell's Precipice runs and I've been treated to two Superior Vigor runes!
Was having a good day till guild wars decided to play some sick joke while chest running
You've been tortured Tyrant! I popped a Mursaat Hammer Q9, didn't want to ID it and when I did I was slapped with a 14%Stance....
Guildwars treated me good today! After searching for a few years now, I finally found the Q13 naked purple crystalline sword to complete the set! Now all I have to do is find a Max Damage Q8, THE HUNT CONTINUES!
If anyone has a max damage Req 8, hit me up! I would love to have it. It would make my set EVEN better!
Nice taste mate, I wonder how long it took Zeph to put the set together that he gave me then. Hope you find another max Q8 as his is already customized.
Again, a kick in the nuts. <_>
Last 2days Chesting and farming drops, im not sure if i feel lucky or not but guess theyre better then normally, tho i wish they wouldve been better
Probably have a record on my hands... right? lol
I've done UW in two or three back in my running days :P, no screens though, since that computer has long since died.
Earthbind really helps when getting the initial burst to trigger the teleport.
Also I'm certain people like Jeydra have done it faster than me.
Zephyr, I think I have a screenshot somewhere of me doing that mission with heroes in 1:40. I'll have to look later and try to find it.
Not to mention I'm sure from a raw dmg output POV you could be faster with one less E/Mo, ESurge over panic and probably another RoJ monk and maybe PI/YMLAD/FH.
Perhaps not as good for general PVE but prob/def better at Kuuna spiking.
I think when I did it in 2m~ I used Air spike too.
Im going to try and set a time tonight hahaha
My comps been dead for last 3 days. Prob can't be on for a while D,:
Buuuuuuut if this is a thing now--how about this, no cons or other people allowed. Just heroes on your end and henchies on other end of UW.