I'm looking for the following stuff, q9 preferably but can be q10 (if not insc it needs to be 15^50) :
- Flamberge x2
- Eternal bow x4
- Storm bow x4
Feel free to pm me here or IG.
I'm looking for the following stuff, q9 preferably but can be q10 (if not insc it needs to be 15^50) :
- Flamberge x2
- Eternal bow x4
- Storm bow x4
Feel free to pm me here or IG.
got that runic blade q9
its inscr but already modded 15^50 + 30 and 20/20 i think
PM me with an offer if you are interested
Flamberge q9 15^50 (OS) here : Tongtong Rage
q10 inscr. stormbow here, contact me on legacy if interested...
Have a q9 insc Flamberge. Lmk if your interested, ign Anaconda Bladeking.