Price Check on 3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th Unopened Birthday Presents & Birthday Present Vouchers

  • Looking for Current Prices on

    Price Check on 3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th Unopened Birthday Presents (Mini Pet ones I believe from back in the day) & Birthday Present Vouchers

    Also looking to sell them as I have just got back into the game.

    Likewise would it be wiser just to open them?


    King Of Kharn

  • hi only 6th and 7th years presents have really value

    6th : 3e-5e /each

    7th : 7-10-13e/each

    few people buying them pick a price you are happy with and when some one is buying in kama take what is given, it's my advise ! :D

    i agree with looney for vouchers :

    trade them for 7 years presents at baltha temple

    Open them (cause u can not trade nor vouchers nor presents u get from these vouchers)

    Pray to get a rare mini

    gl !!

  • bsoltan November 29, 2020 at 1:21 AM

    Closed the thread.