Pewpew, i notice this bow is hard to screenshot lol. Pretty odd skin imo, guess dye also matters.

Pewpew, i notice this bow is hard to screenshot lol. Pretty odd skin imo, guess dye also matters.
Two of my favorite skins, Runic axe is by far my favorite axe skin, Diamond is among fav skins but maybe not nr1 :p
Pretty cool 3-mod Ritu wand! This was for sale in legacy maybe 2021 or 2022 when i picked it up, at that time it was like 300-400a ish? id think.
Bought this fun prenerf sometime ago, didnt find suitable mods for it yet, feel free to give me shout with 8% swift and 1/18 curses mods
@edit, well not long later i got pm of 1/18 and at same remembered i had 8% swift laying on hero. Fixed image
Here is mix pair, i think these skins look good together tho I remember when bought this mammoth in 2015 it was just 100e :p
Some insp set. I've spend great time farming for OS Aureate chalices and wooden and stone chakrams, and this chalice is only dualmod i've dropped. Its great tho ive not rly seen other OS DUal mod aureate chalices around, id love to hear if anyone has some!
Butcher knife!
here is my q8 40% heal set :p
Fun set that allways been close to my heart ;D Got he wayward a while ago and the skins great so decided to use it, this Offhand came from Xander few years later for the pair
Bat sword set i build few years back, ive collected few 12-15 sets and allways the 14% is last to find, whats up with that.
Green Pointy things
Purple set since i've collected purples ive had trouble finding good purple wands, i dont think i own single q8 one with two mods :p
Mausoleum axee
Here is pretty nice fire staff! Got this in 2018 i think for something like 1000-1250e at the time.
Here is undead combo with matching gold values!. The Crystalline i bought allready in 2009 as wanted to have one OS crysta for my warrior and well had it ever since
This q8 magma was posted in legacy maybe a 1,5yo or 2yo ago and picked it up, ive started grow into creature mods i've noticed
Clean valued purple eternal, i quite like this!
Most classic warrior weapon imo xD
40/40 resto set with nice plat wand!
Clean valued zodiac
What a beauty 😍Not having the 30hp above the 300g should be punished tho 😜
here some curse set
My eles only Estor staff :p
Well here are random oddities i've gathered, didnt rly look for these but bought if came across :p btw around 40% down from my screens xD