Hi all,
I have a few items for sale :
1. Chaos Axe q9 15^stance (212g value)
6. Celestial Daggers q9 +15% vs hex (324g value)
7. Kaineng Axe q9 +15^-5 (328g value) c/o 5e (Nimbly Crow)
8. Celestial Longbow q10 +15^stance (216g value)
9. Celestial Longbow q10 +15^ench (224g value)
10. Celestial Longbow q9 +15% vs hex (204g value) or 15^50 (224g value)
11. Crenellated Sword q9 15^50 (388g value)
12. Zodiac Longbow q10 15^e (268g value)
13. Crenellated Sword q9 +5 energy (240g value)
14. Celestial Scepter q9 communing +5^e 9%HCT (212g value)
16. Celestial Staff q9 fire 20/10 (248g value) c/o 5e (Katie Ironheart)
17.. Celestial Staff q10 fire 20/10 (272g value)
19. Celestial Staff q9 smiting 20/ 19HCTdivinefavor (228g value) c/o 20k (Cloud Strife)
20. Cockatrice Staff q10 divine favor 20/10 (228g value)
22. Zodiac Shield q10 strength armor +10vs slash -2^e (220g value) c/o 50e (Its A Swing Thing)
23. Celestial Scepter q10 blood +5e while ench 19% HCT curse (212g value)
24. Celestial Hammer q9 15^50 (336g value) c/o 5e (Rahl The Outlaw)
25. Zodiac Staff q9 domination 20/ 20 HCT in smiting (212g value)
26. Zodiac Scepter q9 fire +5^e 10%HSR (324g value) c/o 5e (Rahl The Outlaw)
27. Celestial Sword q9 15^stance (220g value)
28. Kaineng Axe q9 +15% vs hex (232g value)
29. Crenellated Sword q9 15^50 (288g value) c/o 5e (Rahl The Outlaw)
30. Celestial Staff q9 channeling 20/ 20 HCT in smiting (376g value)
31. Earth Staff q9 20/ 20HCT in water (232g value)
33. Celestial Shield q12 tactics +29hp -5/20% (216g value)
34. Zodiac Staff q9 water 20/ 20 HCT for fire (248g value)
Let me know your offers here or ingame : aliss etherean
Display Spoiler
2. Exalted Aegis q9 tactics -2 ench +45hp stance (276g value) sold 3a
3. Celestial Staff q10 water 20/10 (220g value) sold 5a
4. Zodiac Longbow q9 15^e (400g value) sold 15e
5. Zodiac Staff q9 air 20/20 (252g value) sold 8a
15. Cockatrice Staff q9 earth 20/10 (212g value) sold 30e
18. Celestial Staff q9 illusion 20/10 (424g value) sold 5e
21. Celestial Daggers q9 20^-50 (240g value) sold 3e
32. Celestial Axe q9 20^-50 (328g value) sold 3e