Would still be cool. It's not too late

WTB Prenerf Greens, Paper Lanterns, q8 insc swords/shields, specific ele wands & attribute shields, q8 golden talons
Now now...don't go forgettin' about this.
Ok let's do it
You might have it. I believe in you.
You bet
Let's do it
You guessed it
okey dokey
Let's do it
To me. Bring them.
Heya, any interest in os q8 7-16 Golden Talons 15wE? They sadly don't fit my collection.
We're not any closer than we were yesterday. What's the deal?
Up we go
And again
Still waiting on you
A new one would be cool. Anyone?
bump, added a new shield to the search list
i got #8 green not sure 3rd v is? i got 1 Paper Lantern