Not sure if it's worth anything due to not being 15^50. Was just curious.
Price Check on req.8 Storm Bow
Around 20a or so i’d think. Wait for more opinions.
This is still very useful.
A = ambraces? (what is this in ectos?) Those are for Hero Armor right? Sorry, I am returning and still catching up. thanks!
A = Ambrace = The thing you trade for tormented weapons.
1a is like 38-40e atm. -
I bought my q8 15^ench for 25a. I think 10-15a is more realistic for a 1 off.
May I ask what these (Q8 items) are used for other than collecting?
Just used in game I guess. Somtimes maybe there re builds that benefit from lower qs
I sold q8 14^50 for 10a lately. Id value this 5-7a
i think there was stormbow like that posted recently and offers stopped around 5a
February 8, 2021 at 2:34 AM Closed the thread.