• !!!!!updated 25.05.2021!!!!

    UP UP UP :)

    Good Morning,

    i have created here this account to sell all the items from my account: Feel free to make an offer for any item. IGN: Elite Morder

    !!!!!updated 25.05.2021!!!!


    Guild Wars Beyond - Wind of Change Weapons:

    -3x Xun Rao´s Justice

    - Xun Rao´s Quill

    -Xun Rao´s Command

    -3x Unending Night´s Grasp

    -4x Oroku´s Slicers

    -4x Shattered Illusion

    -3x Ganshu´s Record

    -Vision of Purity

    -Phoenix´s Retribution


    -Froggy Q10 Soul

    -Froggy Q10 Curses

    -Froggy Q10 Blood Magic

    -Froggy Q10 Restoration Magic


    -Astral staff Q9 Divine

    -Astral staff Q9 Spawning

    -3x Kerrshs Staff (Green)

    -Woe Spreader (Green)

    -2x Ilsundurs Staff (Green)


    -Celestial Compass Q9 Curses

    -2x -50 hp focus (Grim Cesta)


    -Emerald Blade Q11

    -Fiery Dragon Sword Q9 + Inscription

    -Elemental Sword Q9

    -Silver Edge


    -2Claws of the Kin Slayer (Green)


    -Saurian Scythe Q9-Nightmare Scythe Q9

    -Tentacle Scythe Q10

    -Tentacle Scythe Q11

    -Scythe of the Kin Slayer (Green)

    -5x The Soulwailer (Green)

    -Stygian Scythe (Green)

    -Dhuums Soul Reaper


    -2x Rotwing Recurve Bow (Green)

    - Celestial Longbow Q9+ inscription


    -Spear of the Kinslayer (Green)

    -Hidesplitters Spear (Green)


    -2x Totem Axe (Green)

    -Stygian Reaver Q9

    -Sephis Axe Q9 + Inscription

    -Pyroclastic Axe Q10


    -Scarabshell Aegis Q9 Motivation (black dyed)

    -Amethyst Aegis Q9 Motivation

    Special Items:

    - Imperial Dragons Tear

    - 5x Black Dye

    -4x deldrimor talsimans

    -droknars key

    -9x golden rin relicts

    -4x diessa chalice

    -120x royal gifts

    -120 x flame of balthasar


    -4 stacks Candy Corn

    -4 stacks Candy Apples

    -40 stacks alcohol

    -4 stacks party

    -10 stacks Four Leaf Clover

    -7 stacks sweets (running speed increase)

    EL Tonics:

    -2x Gwen

    -2x Ogden



    Miniatures: (ALL UNDED!!)

    -Celestial Tiger

    -4x Eye of Janthir

    -2x Gwen

    -3x MOX

    -2x Bone Dragon

    - Mad King

    -4x Water Dschinn

    -7x White Rabbit

    -4x Dagnar

    -King Adelbern

    -3x Flame Dschinn


    -4x Shiro

    -2x Lich

    -4x Black Beast of Aaaaaarrrrgggghhhhh

    -3x Zhu-Hanuku

    -Hundred of purple ones if needed :)

    I am locking forward to see your offers/bids.

    !!!!!updated 25.05.2021!!!!

    Edited 7 times, last by Retlaw123 (May 25, 2021 at 8:59 PM).

  • wtb

    -17x Torment

    -21x Titan

    -37x Stygian

    -19x Margonite

    0.5e ea

    - Celestial Longbow Q9+ inscription 3e

    -Scarabshell Aegis Q9 Motivation (black dyed) 3e

    -4 stacks Candy Corn

    -4 stacks Candy Apples

    8e ea

    -14x Hammer of Kathandrax 1.5e ea

    Alllison Hell

  • !!!!!updated 25.05.2021!!!!

    UP UP UP :)

    Good Morning,

    i have created here this account to sell all the items from my account: Feel free to make an offer for any item. IGN: Elite Morder

    !!!!!updated 25.05.2021!!!!

    Guild Wars Beyond - Wind of Change Weapons:
    -3x Xun Rao´s Justice

    - Xun Rao´s Quill

    -Xun Rao´s Command

    -3x Unending Night´s Grasp

    -4x Oroku´s Slicers

    -4x Shattered Illusion

    -3x Ganshu´s Record

    -Vision of Purity

    -Phoenix´s Retribution


    -Froggy Q10 Soul

    -Froggy Q10 Curses

    -Froggy Q10 Blood Magic

    -Froggy Q10 Restoration Magic


    -Astral staff Q9 Divine

    -Astral staff Q9 Spawning

    -3x Kerrshs Staff (Green)

    -Woe Spreader (Green)

    -2x Ilsundurs Staff (Green)


    -Celestial Compass Q9 Curses

    -2x -50 hp focus (Grim Cesta)


    -Emerald Blade Q11

    -Fiery Dragon Sword Q9 + Inscription

    -Elemental Sword Q9

    -Silver Edge


    -2Claws of the Kin Slayer (Green)


    -Saurian Scythe Q9-Nightmare Scythe Q9

    -Tentacle Scythe Q10

    -Tentacle Scythe Q11

    -Scythe of the Kin Slayer (Green)

    -5x The Soulwailer (Green)

    -Stygian Scythe (Green)

    -Dhuums Soul Reaper


    -2x Rotwing Recurve Bow (Green)

    - Celestial Longbow Q9+ inscription


    -Spear of the Kinslayer (Green)

    -Hidesplitters Spear (Green)


    -2x Totem Axe (Green)

    -Stygian Reaver Q9

    -Sephis Axe Q9 + Inscription

    -Pyroclastic Axe Q10


    -Scarabshell Aegis Q9 Motivation (black dyed)

    -Amethyst Aegis Q9 Motivation

    Special Items:

    - Imperial Dragons Tear

    - 5x Black Dye

    -4x deldrimor talsimans

    -droknars key

    -9x golden rin relicts

    -4x diessa chalice

    -120x royal gifts

    -120 x flame of balthasar


    -4 stacks Candy Corn

    -4 stacks Candy Apples

    -40 stacks alcohol

    -4 stacks party

    -10 stacks Four Leaf Clover

    -7 stacks sweets (running speed increase)

    EL Tonics:

    -2x Gwen

    -2x Ogden



    Miniatures: (ALL UNDED!!)

    -Celestial Tiger

    -4x Eye of Janthir

    -2x Gwen

    -3x MOX

    -2x Bone Dragon

    - Mad King

    -4x Water Dschinn

    -7x White Rabbit

    -4x Dagnar

    -King Adelbern

    -3x Flame Dschinn


    -4x Shiro

    -2x Lich

    -4x Black Beast of Aaaaaarrrrgggghhhhh

    -3x Zhu-Hanuku

    -Hundred of purple ones if needed :)

    I am locking forward to see your offers/bids.

    !!!!!updated 25.05.2021!!!!

    Edited 6 times, last by Retlaw123: Merged a post created by Retlaw123 into this post. (May 25, 2021 at 8:59 PM).

  • !!!!!updated 25.05.2021!!!!

    UP UP UP :)

    Good Morning,

    i have created here this account to sell all the items from my account: Feel free to make an offer for any item. IGN: Elite Morder

    !!!!!updated 25.05.2021!!!!


    Guild Wars Beyond - Wind of Change Weapons:

    -3x Xun Rao´s Justice

    - Xun Rao´s Quill

    -Xun Rao´s Command

    -3x Unending Night´s Grasp

    -4x Oroku´s Slicers

    -4x Shattered Illusion

    -3x Ganshu´s Record

    -Vision of Purity

    -Phoenix´s Retribution


    -Froggy Q10 Soul

    -Froggy Q10 Curses

    -Froggy Q10 Blood Magic

    -Froggy Q10 Restoration Magic


    -Astral staff Q9 Divine

    -Astral staff Q9 Spawning

    -3x Kerrshs Staff (Green)

    -Woe Spreader (Green)

    -2x Ilsundurs Staff (Green)


    -Celestial Compass Q9 Curses

    -2x -50 hp focus (Grim Cesta)


    -Emerald Blade Q11

    -Fiery Dragon Sword Q9 + Inscription

    -Elemental Sword Q9

    -Silver Edge


    -2Claws of the Kin Slayer (Green)


    -Saurian Scythe Q9-Nightmare Scythe Q9

    -Tentacle Scythe Q10

    -Tentacle Scythe Q11

    -Scythe of the Kin Slayer (Green)

    -5x The Soulwailer (Green)

    -Stygian Scythe (Green)

    -Dhuums Soul Reaper


    -2x Rotwing Recurve Bow (Green)

    - Celestial Longbow Q9+ inscription


    -Spear of the Kinslayer (Green)

    -Hidesplitters Spear (Green)


    -2x Totem Axe (Green)

    -Stygian Reaver Q9

    -Sephis Axe Q9 + Inscription

    -Pyroclastic Axe Q10


    -Scarabshell Aegis Q9 Motivation (black dyed)

    -Amethyst Aegis Q9 Motivation

    Special Items:

    - Imperial Dragons Tear

    - 5x Black Dye

    -4x deldrimor talsimans

    -droknars key

    -9x golden rin relicts

    -4x diessa chalice

    -120x royal gifts

    -120 x flame of balthasar


    -4 stacks Candy Corn

    -4 stacks Candy Apples

    -40 stacks alcohol

    -4 stacks party

    -10 stacks Four Leaf Clover

    -7 stacks sweets (running speed increase)

    EL Tonics:

    -2x Gwen

    -2x Ogden



    Miniatures: (ALL UNDED!!)

    -Celestial Tiger

    -4x Eye of Janthir

    -2x Gwen

    -3x MOX

    -2x Bone Dragon

    - Mad King

    -4x Water Dschinn

    -7x White Rabbit

    -4x Dagnar

    -King Adelbern

    -3x Flame Dschinn


    -4x Shiro

    -2x Lich

    -4x Black Beast of Aaaaaarrrrgggghhhhh

    -3x Zhu-Hanuku

    -Hundred of purple ones if needed :)

    I am locking forward to see your offers/bids.

    !!!!!updated 25.05.2021!!!!

    Edited 2 times, last by Retlaw123 (May 25, 2021 at 8:59 PM).

  • Up :)
    Check my new items.

    Edited once, last by Retlaw123: !!!!!updated 25.05.2021!!!! UP UP UP :) Good Morning, i have created here this account to sell all the items from my account: Feel free to make an offer for any item. IGN: Elite Morder !!!!!updated 25.05.2021!!!! Weapons: ​Guild Wars Beyond - Wind of Change Weapons: ​-3x Xun Rao´s Justice - Xun Rao´s Quill -Xun Rao´s Command -3x Unending Night´s Grasp -4x Oroku´s Slicers -4x Shattered Illusion -3x Ganshu´s Record -Vision of Purity -Phoenix´s Retribution ​ Scepter: -Froggy Q10 Soul -Froggy Q10 Curses -Froggy Q10 Blood Magic -Froggy Q10 Restoration Magic Staff: -Astral staff Q9 Divine -Astral staff Q9 Spawning -3x Kerrshs Staff (Green) -Woe Spreader (Green) -2x Ilsundurs Staff (Green) Focus: -Celestial Compass Q9 Curses -2x -50 hp focus (Grim Cesta) Sword: -Emerald Blade Q11​ -Fiery Dragon Sword Q9 + Inscription -Elemental Sword Q9 -Silver Edge Dagger: -2Claws of the Kin Slayer (Green) Scythe: -Saurian Scythe Q9-Nightmare Scythe Q9 -Tentacle Scythe Q10 -Tentacle Scythe Q11 -Scythe of the Kin Slayer (Green) -5x The Soulwailer (Green) -Stygian Scythe (Green) -Dhuums Soul Reaper Bow: -2x Rotwing Recurve Bow (Green) - Celestial Longbow Q9+ inscription Spear: -Spear of the Kinslayer (Green) -Hidesplitters Spear (Green) Axe: -2x Totem Axe (Green) -Stygian Reaver Q9 -Sephis Axe Q9 + Inscription -Pyroclastic Axe Q10 Shield: -Scarabshell Aegis Q9 Motivation (black dyed) -Amethyst Aegis Q9 Motivation Special Items: - Imperial Dragons Tear - 5x Black Dye -4x deldrimor talsimans -droknars key -9x golden rin relicts -4x diessa chalice -120x royal gifts -120 x flame of balthasar Consumables: -4 stacks Candy Corn -4 stacks Candy Apples -40 stacks alcohol -4 stacks party -10 stacks Four Leaf Clover -7 stacks sweets (running speed increase) EL Tonics: -2x Gwen -2x Ogden -Brandor -Zhed Miniatures: (ALL UNDED!!) -Celestial Tiger -4x Eye of Janthir -2x Gwen -3x MOX -2x Bone Dragon - Mad King -4x Water Dschinn -7x White Rabbit -4x Dagnar -King Adelbern -3x Flame Dschinn -Rurik -4x Shiro -2x Lich -4x Black Beast of Aaaaaarrrrgggghhhhh -3x Zhu-Hanuku -Hundred of purple ones if needed :) I am locking forward to see your offers/bids. ​ ​!!!!!updated 25.05.2021!!!!​​ (May 25, 2021 at 8:59 PM).

  • Retlaw123 May 26, 2021 at 8:20 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Selling many different Items :)” to “CLOSED”.
  • bsoltan May 26, 2021 at 10:54 AM

    Closed the thread.