Looking to get a few os q9 Shields with -3/hex +60/+30 and/or +60+10 slash/blunt etc.. mods.
Was wondering what I could expect to spend roughly on an Echo, Amber, Bladed, Exalted, Zodiac, Gloom, etc.. Shield with these mods.
Appreciate anyones input, and thanks in advance.

PC dual hex | -3+30/10 | 60+10 os q9 Shields (looking to buy)
San -
January 7, 2021 at 7:20 PM -
January 7, 2021 at 7:21 PM Changed the title of the thread from “PC dual hex | 30+60 | 60+10 os q9 Shields (looking to buy)” to “PC dual hex | -3+30/10 | 60+10 os q9 Shields (looking to buy)”. -
Honestly you should easily grab the non q9 / for cheap like 20e-30e or free in the give away.
For q9 perfect, 1a-50-60e ++ according to the skins etc should be there seeing there is not much interest on them... Once again depends on skins
I havent rly seen many shields with 60hp and can see easily one with good skin q9 60/3 or 60/10 go for 5-10a+
30/-3 etc Q9 re in range fury said
Like we discussed ingame non q9s would be sub 100e for majority of skins with the exception of a the rare ones. As for q9s with the 30hp mod I would expect majority of those to be more then 2a, with the core skins being under that price if you get lucky on a thread/ingame. As for the rarer skins like magmas, iridescent/diamond, guardian, kappa etc I doubt you’ll find one for sale under 20a. Not sure what blind meant by 50-60e+++ but maybe he meant 20a upwards.
Of course you could always luck out and find one cheap on legacy or ingame, or perhaps you may find one while running or farming.
All basic skins he will easily find perfect + echo + ghotic + amber, basically all the botted item imo you can find easily for 30-40e perfect if not q9 ( am talking for -3hex +60hex mostly)
Echo ghotic amber if q9 should be around 80-100e like obsi is saying (with -3 +60) mostly even if doubt there will much interest now seeing the amount of it. Probably can get them cheap also imo now a days.
The uper top class is going to be : kapa, irid, diamond, magma, goTH, sws, sss, bladed maybe....
For these there will be intrest so offer will fly according to offers,
But yeah definitely if a magma q9 -3hex +60hp i doubt people will let it go under 10a :p so 5-30a+ for these shields according interest.
Everything becomes cheaper basically San if you start to collect -3 +30. So think well about the ones you want. I would pick -3 +60 for non q9 and -3+30 for q9 if i wanted to save money :p
am going to double post but imo if i read well obsi is saying there is more intrest/value on -3hex +30hp than -3hex +60.
For me -3hex +60 is more desirable people often look for matching weps when they collect. And already thee is very low interest on -3+60 from what i have seen.
The xx factor in this pc is for me the req. If q9 it's x(x)a. If non q9 it's going to be xx e mostly.
I was thinking lets have fun and i give you a pc on all q9 rare -3+60hex just for the sake of it you will have my guess, the day they come up lets see if am right and in the mean while you will have so numbers in mind.
I went to check Zenedar thread, i like to check what he sells and the r/b b/o, cause they are mostly fair in my opinion (but we wouldn't mind them cheaper Zen ofc ! Hahahah)
Q9 magma -3hex+60hex : 60-70arms imo maybe more. Honnesty it s wild guess lal
Q9 GOTH -3hex +60hex lets see, but i think if obsi didnt have one he wouldnt mind spending 25-30a on it :p (Zen removed bo r/b but i bet u got the q9 -3hex+30 for 25a ? Let me know :D)
Q9 echovald : rb 4a on zen thread for the q9 tact and also the q9 str -3+30, r/b 2a on autism thread, i knew u can find for cheap ez
Q9 kappa -3hex +60hex. For me kappa is definitely the rarest shield in the game, ppl dont like the skin thaaaaaaat much tho, and gl to find one of these perf. Imo 5-10-15a. But i would be rdy to pay for that seeing how rare they are.
Q9 irrid diamond : will reach 5-10a imo i think in q9. Honestly there is 2 q9 str -2ench +30hp for sell on lega one at 5a one at 15a... Rn
Q9 : bladed : 5-10a range max imo, q10 -3hex +30 for 50e rb on zen thread :p
Q9 exalted : imo offer wont go above 15a on this. Zen has put r/b 25a for his q9 tact -3hex +30
The only shield with -3hex +30hp zen sold was the gOTh to obsi. All other shields with the same mods have 0 offers. So... This give you a pretty good clue on how much less intrest there is rather on these shields :p
Peace !
It’s the age old argument of why price checks are irrelevant compared to actual sales.
Most of this skins I agree are in the ballparks of what people pay but all Comes down to the deal struck on the day, but that being said you did a fair range for each one.
I also paid 35a to zenedar for the q9 -3/30. 😎
February 14, 2021 at 8:32 PM Closed the thread.