CLOSED PC Crysta Q9 (400 GV) + Butterfly Q9 DV (300 GV)
The gv item isnt usually worth more than non clean gv item. Its Just got hyped coz 2 people collect them and everyone wants to make money out of it. I would check kamadan chat for crysta and maybe gv people will want it so bidwar would push it.
Butterfly is Like 250e+ depending on interest/bidwar might go Up with price. Best to auction both items. Gl
Edit. To make it more clear 250e+ Is possible in current day market with bidwar/people involved again. Other users price checked it more accurate. Gl Master Shadowkiller
Il dont see why butterfly would be 250e.
i would see it more at 100e range
recently many q9 swords reached 10a + maybe that was cause of bidwar and i think butterfly is kinda rare isnt it? I can always be wrong
Edit. Q9 DV
i would agree with jack. butterfly is pretty much core skin and dual vamp is not thaaat wanted
if someone really wants it 100e would be pretty decent -
i would agree with jack. butterfly is pretty much core skin and dual vamp is not thaaat wanted
if someone really wants it 100e would be pretty decentUmm I disagree. Dual Vamp Q9 Weapons re hot items recently, many collectors buy these. Butterfly shares skin with wingblade but is less common.
the only reason these items are being bid up are because of botters having endless amounts of cash and anet not giving a shit. the individual who bids them up so much only wants 1 of each skin. once he obtains that, the interest drops significantly. it really sets a bad example for future sales.
that being said, i would expect it more in the 100e range, but sometimes a bidwar occurs and the price gets retarded, like 10-15a for a q9.
Purely im sory but you were the one who advertised for long Time botted items and sold them saying its helping us while it made most of drops that people get by farming worthless
Purely im sory but you were the one who advertised for long Time botted items and sold them saying its helping us while it made most of drops that people get by farming worthless
I won't disagree with that bluntly honest statement, but I also never led anyone astray on a price check. To send this person on the hunt for a person to sell this butterfly sword to for 250e is a fool's errand. It wont happen without a bid war. That's all I was saying. I have no beef with you, friend!
I just bought this exact item (dv butterly q9) for 100e. Purely is exactly right on this. The only way some of these items are selling at such a high price is bid war. And I'm one of the dumbasses spending way too much on them. As a collector, it's just hard to pass up something you need for a set (and my collection is huuuuuge!).
I also agree you can't judge the "correct" price on these from recent sales. As was said, collectors usually only want one of each item. So the next guy/gal bidding on a DV longsword here won't have to worry about me drinking too much and bidding "xx" arms.
Anyway, here's my opinion in general on DV. Swords by far drive the highest price, followed by axes (one handers actually have a use aside from collector items). Hammers and bow drop substantially. I've gotten common skins for all DVs anywhere from 10e to 50e in game and paid (overpaid!) up to 13a for some of the more exotic skins here.
tldr: 100e is perfectly fair for this one
Master Shadowkiller
February 20, 2021 at 9:21 AM Changed the title of the thread from “PC Crysta Q9 (400 GV) + Butterfly Q9 DV (300 GV)” to “CLOSED PC Crysta Q9 (400 GV) + Butterfly Q9 DV (300 GV)”. -
February 21, 2021 at 12:50 PM Closed the thread.