Pricecheck various OS shields

  • Hey! I just started chest running and some farms, and have gotten quite a few items the past week. I have no idea what they're worth tho. Could you help me out?

    (bonus sword)

    I'd also love to learn how to value items. How do you guys know the prices of various items? whats more valuable, lower q, or perfect stats? How much does gold value matter? etc

    Thanks in advance.

  • Echoval shield demon, get what ever you can

    Bronze shield merch single mod :(

    Shield of the wing gonna be 10-15e max probably, hard to sell cause non perf

    Aegis is going to be the same deal, little more maybe cause q9, around 30-35e max

    Wooden buckler 1-2-3e or merch hard to sell..

    Skeleton is q9 and perf, should go for at least 1a or i would refuse to sell it..

    Skele q12, get what ever u can from it

    Jade sword, common skin 5e

    To answer your questions on pc :

    That's the best way to learn, chest run, put item on sale and see what offer you get, ez to then estimate stuff with similar stats.

    For me and probably everyone else, perfect stat are the most important, then comes the req of the weapons (comes first obviously if q7-q8..), and finally comes the gold value that can have a rather minor impact on the price of the item.

    So keep an eye on pc section and like in 1-2months you should be set on the market :D

  • bsoltan March 10, 2021 at 1:48 AM

    Closed the thread.