I thought about a fun little challenge. We could travel around our lovely game. Seeing lost places, rare treasures, well hidden secrets and so on. And then we do a screenshot of this place. The first person who can reproduce the screenshot area will get smth like 2e or 3e of the person who uploaded the secret location. If you dont like to give a bounty that's ok for me as well. The fun and the hunt should be reward enough
So, here is the first screenshot from me.
I will give out a bounty of 10e for this first screenshot.
Let me give you three little hints:
1. My weaponry can be found in the campaign, where this screenshot was taken.
2. This place is actually really hard to reach and takes at least 5 minutes to get to
3. This picture is a paradoxon. You see the sky although you are in a place where the sky can never be seen. And above you is a skyway
Difficulty: 5 of 5
Now let the fun begin
(hopefully anyone participates xD )