Maybe you guys can help me out. Along the years I have collected more than 50 gorgeous triple prof wands, as in wands with a req in prof A, HSR in prof B and HCT in prof C.
My end goal would be to have all the available triple prof combo that can drop for the faction multi-prof wands (Celestial, Jade, Amber, Zodiac, Plagueborn etc…)
Considering that :
* There are 14 possible req attributes for the faction multi-prof wands (2 for Monk/Mesmer, 3 for Necro/Ritu, and 4 for Ele)
* There are 18 possible attributes for HCT and HSR (4 for Monk/Ritu/Ele, and 3 for Necro/Mesmer)
* I do NOT distinguish between the req, HSR or HCT. For example : Req Blood/HSR Fire/HCT Domi = Req Blood/HSR Domi/HCT Fire = Req Fire/HSR Blood/HCT Domi etc...
I calculated there are : 351 possibilities. I haven't done probability calculus in a very very long time, so if someone can double check my maths I would very much appreciate it.
Btw, I will shamelessly link my WTB thread, if you want to give a new home to your triple prof wands