Great drop! Do you do Dragon Moss?
Yeah, I’m one of the few non-bots running around St Anjeka’s if I’m lucky enough to be on during some favor. I do that and chest run from time to time.
Great drop! Do you do Dragon Moss?
Yeah, I’m one of the few non-bots running around St Anjeka’s if I’m lucky enough to be on during some favor. I do that and chest run from time to time.
Started an Ironman playthrough with my brother yesterday, after finding out Charr are alot harder to kill when they are not constantly on fire from the fire imp stone I took the choice to become our healer (We are both Warriors) and over the course of reaching level 10 we got both of these to drop! Plus some good runes and insigneas to get this warrior over 55 energy before leaving Pre-searing
Edit: And Another!
Nothing too special, but dual mod with matching attribute always makes me happy!
Purple rain, puuuuurple rain 💜
Yeah, I’m one of the few non-bots running around St Anjeka’s if I’m lucky enough to be on during some favor. I do that and chest run from time to time.
I do d moss sometimes too, its fun to try and ask the R/As via pm "get anything good?" and try to guess if they will respond or not or be set to offline. 😆
Today, I was casually farming some of WoC and dropped this absolute beauty... cannot remember of a better drop for me, I'm still kinda shocked haha
holy f*ck
that's crazy, absolutely insane drop. Imo one of the best wand skins
Today, I was casually farming some of WoC and dropped this absolute beauty... cannot remember of a better drop for me, I'm still kinda shocked haha
Wow! Grats-and-a-half. The only true & proper 20/20 Plat Wand I know of and one of the best drops I’ve ever seen publicly reported.
I see it’s 4sale, don’t let anyone have it for less than an arm AND a leg. This is a Top-Shelf item.
QuoteMaybe more chance tomorrow
Another bad day
Maybe if I kill another 200-300..
Probably kill them all to the last (..)
Today, I was casually farming some of WoC and dropped this absolute beauty... cannot remember of a better drop for me, I'm still kinda shocked haha
Gz! But you only sold it for an arm. Oofus tried to warn you 🤷🏼♂️
Wait it's already sold ? That's so fast for such an amazing, 1 in a million, wand !
wow , cant believe it
Wait it's already sold ? That's so fast for such an amazing, 1 in a million, wand !
Well, as we tried to estimate the chance on such a wand, 1 in a million is far away from the real chance of this.
PS: Here is the link. Calculating the chance on a perfect q9 20/20 machting attributes Wand
Nifty lil thang that dropped today. Wish it was -2 w/e but its still nice
Mixed feelings...guess it's normal for mixed attributes cutie? :p
hmm..mods are not too bad i guess
Not sure how many people will appreciate this, but finding it made me happy today...
Not sure how many people will appreciate this, but finding it made me happy today...
Care to explain ?
Cause 99,99% of Guildwars playerbase is merching/deleting that
Care to explain ?
Cause 99,99% of Guildwars playerbase is merching/deleting that
I must be part of the .01% with Praise which I am ok with.
Some skins just don't typically drop that low req. Identifying the ability for this to drop is a gem in itself.
Care to explain ?
It's req 0 max dmg which is nice in itself, but the main thing is that it is not obvious where this req/dmg range could ever drop: the skin drops from titans which are lvl 24+ and can't drop such low dmg ranges. They also sometimes drop from hidden stashes in pre-searing, but those cannot drop req 0 max dmg weapons. Although actually, now that I think about it, I've never really played pre so I can't 100% confirm that magmas arms don't drop from charr or other creatures. If so, that would make it less remarkable, although I can tell you this did not drop in pre-searing. So no, I expect 99,99% of Guildwars playerbase is not merching/deleting that, because they would never get a drop like that.
Not quite it yet :c
Not sure how many people will appreciate this, but finding it made me happy today...
Charr Reinforcements? Not sure if q0 max can drop from it.
Awesome find! I'd be interested in buying that if you'd be interested to sell it
I mean I am happy, but...
probably got it to compensate for the 20/20 mixed q9 dragon staff. Guild Wars gods can be kinds when they want.
Since i nearly only run OS chest and barely do SC till i am back. I feel blessed. My first Ever SC drop.
Before Shadowform Nerf i did aprox. 100 Fow Runs and 100 Vsf runs. No drop.
Today was my day. Haters gonna say its just q13 for me its req7 triple mod uncond tyrian serpent axe level of happiness.
Finaly Dwayna blessed me (again )<3
Edit: I like Clean values dwayna knows me so well BTW: ...............................................................................................Little Offtopic. an Unidentversion with +5en +20% Ench would be nice. Like an "oldsql" blade and duo mod
It's not everyday you see 2 Identical swords in pre
yes they are Identical as & I'll show them lol
probably got it to compensate for the 20/20 mixed q9 dragon staff. Guild Wars gods can be kinds when they want.
Real rollercoaster ride here
Definitely didn't expect max mods on a q13, but that made my weekend indeed
There are some who would see that as a good thing. I mean not many...but one or two.
Nice little chest run present to me
I think this sums up my luck