Posts by Kabong

    Here are a few tidbits from the vaults, relevant to some recently-posted items.

    Red Fireball : I dig your SWS; closest I have is this Illusion Tall. Your offhand with all the 20s is sweet as well - I only have one like it

    As for shields, Crudes and Troll shields have come up lately - I think these examples speak for themselves



    I remember when The Herbalizer was the king of hammers. I remember when he left. I remember what he gave me. I remember what he kept. [PhD].

    I choose not to get involved in stuff about the guild of which I have been an integral part for so many years. I appreciate the defense put up by Kromp and Max but generally find the attackers are best ignored and left to plink away on the walls of PhD with their spoons or toothpicks or whatever. Good God.

    Just a few Ravens :) All Necro Attributes in req 8 (Deathmagic in req 9 also, for this 10/10 ;))

    With all due respect to myself, this is one of my favorite things that I've seen in quite some time. Congratulations.

    And MaxBorken , nice shields. No matter how many times we may sit, stinking of scotch in a smoke-filled guild hall admiring ourselves, it just never gets old.

    Sorry for double post but another subject i want to add here.

    The lady doth protest too much...

    Posts get long around here, I'll just make a few quick points.

    Because when u collect someting, u want more of the same kind, if u give similar item u own high valuationg, means the next similar item also sells high or even higher, so ure shooting urself to foot, no profit is gain in any part of that cus u just end up paying alot more for next item for ur collection.

    ----> Ass backwards, again. By PCing high you are 1) increasing the value of your own collection and 2) reducing competition for the current item by "pricing" it out-of-range for many other potential buyers thereby increasing your chances of obtaining the item.

    Currency naturally becomes more abundant and less valuable in the game over time, leading to inflation without your vigorous help. Please stop. Thx.

    If i know i got friend who collects someting quirky and rarely plays gw but when he comes on it can be sold for loads, then it is worth loads to me, cus thats the highest possible value the seller can get for it. period.

    Tl;dr: your PC's don't represent fair market value because you base them on one-off imaginary sales dreamt up through connections not shared amongst the general get population.

    Thanks for making my point for me.



    I love you and have been involved in this economy for a very very long time...but I couldn't make it through this post in one sitting. I took a few bites and will have to come back for more later.

    Please understand that what I am about to write is based upon only a partial reading and my own involvent in the thread in question.

    To me, a PC should represent fair market value of an item. For an item to have a fair market value, an item must have an established market. When an item is only desired by a very small numbers of players and there is no real history of sales there is no established market and therefore no PC is possible. The item will be sold for whatever is agreed upon between buyer and seller. Provision of a "PC" in this situation is bullcrap and using that forum to attribute excessive value to an item you own is worse.

    For common items that are frequently traded, this information is reliable and useful. For other sorts of items, not so much.

    This is not to say that ideas about value of rare or rarely-wanted items cannot be exchanged. Know what it was sold for once upon a time? Say so. Know someone who might want it? Provide that information so a difficult to find item might find appreciative hands. Want to arbitrarily assign a value using logic that doesn't hold water and the power of reputation? Save it and stop making a troubled economy even moreso.

    Taken together, this is why I do not participate in the PC forum and uniformly refuse requests I get for such info. Most often PCs are just hot air.

    Sorry for length but I think it's still a little briefer than RedπŸ˜‰

    I use both hands to type what I want to buy or sell or both. Then I usually use my right hand to hit enter...but when things really get crazy in kamadan there's no telling what I might use to hit enter. And don't get me started on the up arrow...



    Merch +1gp.


    Enough with the inflation already.

    Stop the madness.

    /Retire undefeated from the PC game



    Sorry hGt it may or not be the way it is but it's not the way it should be. Imo, anyway. It's a blue turd that can't even be used as a caster weap. Maybe some collector has a spot for it somewhere in some collection only valued by its owner and maybe it's rare but that doesn't mean valuable. This is merch/bin fodder.


    I'm not a moderator and I have no power here. Some people know me, some people don't.

    I'm a guy who has played for a while and am more invested in this game than most.

    And I have 2 more cents to plunk down.

    It seems to me that no one here is completely right or completely wrong. Passions have been aroused and people have gotten excited. Lots of people have lots of important things to say about an important question. That's great, and it's because it means lots of people love this game. In that greatness, however, problems can arise when priorities aren't shared and people don't feel listened to. Ideas get trampled or ignored or shouted down.

    I think it's best for everyone to take a step back and a deep breath and reconsider why this thread was started and what our respective purposes are for posting here. As a group and community we need to organize this energy in the most useful way possible.

    Maybe what we need is not one place for all these different ideas and priorities. Maybe we need two, or three.

    Maybe votes for or against an expansion and comments related directly to those votes belong here.

    Maybe a different thread can be made for discussion of other matters or strategies related to a potential expansion that do not directly involve votes.

    I am simply suggesting organization. This will make the material contained in these threads more practical for its purpose. It will make for freer discussion of different topics because others will not be trampled or pushed to the side. I am not suggesting editing, silencing, suppressing, delaying, deferring or censoring anyone's thoughts or ideas. This just too broad a conversation being addressed from too many angles to be contained in one thread at this point.

    Like Mastinoo said, what is needed HERE is public acknowledgement, support and votes. I agree. Even if you vote against an expansion, that is still acknowledgement and votes. What we need ELSEWHERE is a different thread so that the discussions that have started and the ideas that have arisen in parallel with the original petition can be considered, explored and eventually incorporated into further efforts if this manages to get off the ground.

    A lot of words for a simple, obvious idea that can help everyone interested in this topic and its various facets all exist in perfect harmony.

    Ebony and Ivory.....

    (That's Stevie Wonder in case you're too young. YouTube it.)

    Thanks for reading. I'll be watching you. Please proceed with my best interests at heart <3.


    Innocent bystander here, just trying to keep up with this thread and hopeful that it can lead somewhere.

    I apologize if what I'm about to say is out of line but I'm an oldtimer and have loved this game as much and as long as anyone here.

    Wouldn't it be better if responses were kept focused to the question posed in the petition?

    Would you or would you not want an expansion?

    I think all this voluminous talk about potential issues, barriers and matters of opinion is clouding and potentially obstructing the goal here.

    Many of these concerns would have to be addressed by the appropriate team down the road.

    Let's focus as a community on helping to determine if this is even a road that can be traveled.

    I encourage everyone to answer the poll question as they see fit

    If you answer is "yes" I encourage you to use your imagination to envision what an expansion could be and what barriers may arise...but to save those thoughts for the time and place that will hopefully come in the future where they can be addressed.

    This time and place is for simple answers to simple questions.

    Give your answer and (I hope) support.

    All these other arguments, concerns, barriers, etc are not useful material at this time. At the least, they are distracting from the purpose of this petition. At the worst, they are counterproductive and hurtful to the outcome for which many of us hope.

    Thanks for reading and considering my point. I do not want to argue or belabor it so will not be responding to questions or quotes in this regard.

    Just my 2 cents. That's all you get.



    I'm 100% all for Guild Wars 1 Expansions/Updates.

    Good to see you on board, Reborn

    I will encourage the members of my guild to look at this thread and consider the question it poses by making a guild announcement about it.

    My guild, however, is small. Criteria for admission include being a living legend, demonstrating extraordinary character and potential for becoming one and the abilities to 1)craft a rocking chair from your preferred weapon 2) distill your own spirits from dragon tears and 3) roll your own cigars from parchment and iboga leaves.

    If leaders of larger, more-inclusive guilds such as your own would take a similar small step it may help gather support more quickly.

    Just a thought. A simple, quick, easy, potentially-effectice way to give and gather support.

    My answer is yes.

    I would preorder an expansion in a heartbeat.

    This game has captivated me for 14ish years. I will be there on the day the servers are turned off (NEVAR!) and I will be there the day pre-orders for a new expansion open.

    I don't know where this current effort will lead but if you love this game as I do (or in whatever way you do), I ask you to consider the following:

    We have a determined, motivated, resourceful member of our community looking for simple support in an attempt to breathe new life into our beloved game. Give it to him freely. Don't worry about specifics or potential problems or what matters of opinion might arise down the road. Help give the decision-makers the simple information they need to consider the question at hand seriously.

    I clicked on "yes" because that's my answer to the title question. At the end of the day, it's that simple.

    "This month" πŸ˜†

    What you have accomplished to this point is much more than a month's work for most.

    I applaud your efficiency and skill in doing so much so quickly but admire most of all the manner in which you have done it.

    Congratulations, my friend! I can't (and probably won't have to) wait for more updates!


    Thanks, Max, for pointing that out. I can't tell you how many years it's been since I bought an earth staff. It's an old pile of sticks and some have been devalued the cheaters.

    The history of the game is carried in its items. This thread and this forum as a whole help us document, preserve and protect that, even if it makes us look old and senile sometimes. Small price to pay. I can take it.

    Mr S L A V E I have one of the (if not the) most obsessively-complete collections in GW and I applaud your efforts as well as PyroLobster (who is undertaking a similar endeavor). The scope of your plan is immense but I am sure with enough patience (and storage space) it will be done.

    A couple of people have asked me to post the Earth Ele items I have accumulated over the years. I would never say I collect Earth stuff or even call this a side-project of any kind. Apologies if this doesn't measure up but I think you will find some cute things here. I enjoy them and I hope you will, too.

    There are bigger, better actual ele collections (Hi, Expugnare ) out there and I, for one, would love to see that stuff posted here. After all, as my friend Woo points out, what's a staff but a hammer that's missing the big chunky bit at the end??
