q8 20% is quite rare but unfortunately there's not much interest. Such a bone staff with HCT18 Death would get about 100e, so this one less than half for sure.
Posts by Praise
Nice Kugiini! That's good for half the reward. The 2nd location in that map is still available for anyone.
I guess I'll post some new ones as well.
#4: difficulty 1/5. Reward 2e. Hint: This place makes me think of Riverwood in Skyrim, with the homeliness, anvil, waterwheel. Just like in Skyrim, the place in this screenshot is one of the first places you reach after an "escape" and before meeting the authorities.
#5: difficulty 3/5. Reward 10e. Two places in the same map. Hint: we all know where this is, the difficulty lies in reproducing the screenshots. No toolbox required, no SaO chain required.
60e bone staff
q9 str gothic 10e
30e zodiac
Added a few new items.
Update regarding the mods list: I am going to delete a large number of these mods soon. Specifically, all mods for bow, dagger, scythe, spear, shield, wand, focus, and inscriptions that do not have value 5, 10, or 15.
If you need any of these, please contact me before March 15th.
But how can one assess the GW aficionados from the botters, and are the auctions here not ruled by highest bidder, no matter what?
That's very difficult unfortunately. It was just a personal suggestion of mine, you don't have to follow it ofcourse.
Auctions here are ruled by the seller, nothing else. You can sell or not sell to whoever you want, not just the highest bidder (although that would be the most obvious choice).
If that really dropped during casual playing, that's some insane luck you got. I would strongly consider keeping it, even if you feel like you need armbraces right now. No amount of armbraces can buy you a personal reminder of that lucky moment.
If I would sell it, I would try to make sure it goes to someone who appreciates it, not just some botter with thousands of arms who just kinda fancies it at the moment.
Where did you farm it? Cheers.
Hello, pick any chest or foe you like:
like pleiki said gargoyles are popular, maybe try whirling outside nolani.
Fire staff 5a if Tyrian skin
Please don't spam me in game either
I went for a walk in the scar today and saw something strange: in the southwest corner, down in the unreachable basin with the broken teleporters, a chest spawned...
It must mean that a hidden group of scarabs is also there, I guess. Imagine this group gets triggered by a random dune lizard while vanquishing, and you can't reach it with a longbow.
3 ) Finally, how do I know what's valuable? I've seen people sell OS items that I personally think aren't very good
I agree with Pleikki, it's very complex and randomly counterintuitive. One of the things that does not matter at all for an item's price is how 'good' or useful it is. Good example are q7-8 max dmg martial weapons, they have no added usefulness compared to q9. But they are rare and also popular for some reason. Price is always determined by supply & demand, but in gw the demand is not based on usefulness.
OS shield/focus/wand with 2 perfect mods are the most rare, so those will be highest price (adjusted by demand). Then again, OS purple dual mod items are many times more rare than gold, but for some reason very few people like purple, so those will have lower price than golds in general. So yea, general advice is to keep all your OS dual mod perfect gold & purple shield/focus/wands. Post them in the price check section, don't sell in kamadan or to private offers if you get a lot of interest.
Just to be clear, you bought it, right? I think that's not nearly as awesome as having your own drop, but still ok (as long as you paid a fair price)
bump, sorry again for the confusion about the butterfly
Not on all elemental though.
Do you have an example of a martial weapon with the elemental damage in white? (except greens and the anniversary elementalist axe)
shadow shield air 300e
shadow shield air 100e
#14 15e
bump, a few new items
A sixpack of Cold Ones on #60 so you can try to calm down a bit, friend
Maybe you'll have happier thoughts when you go to the new museum section