Posts by PyroLobster
Just to tell the other side. I bought mine for 400e b/o after little interest not that long ago.
Q10 Zodiac - 10e
Q13 Tower - 20e
Cute set - 20e
Pongmei be teasing
i have asked pc for my war hammer q8 15^50 ppl said 40a, that's why i sold it 115a ingame and same for my crenellated q8 15^50, ppl said 60a, i sold it 100a ingame at the same person...
Example #297 in why PC thread is useless
Q9 Fire - 1a
Q10 Zodiac - 1a
which cleaver skin?
S9 - 100e
S19 - 100e
Been a while since I got any q8/16 so I'm happy
Earth staff deep wound - 100e
Holy Staff Poison - 100e
Zodiac 9% - 150e
For the pawnshop are you purposing to give loans using peoples items as collateral?
Cause unlike an actual pawnshop there will be no repurchase contract or loan terms. All that's gona happen is people sell you stuff below "market value" and trust you to honour an trade back (presumably at a higher price) in the future?
SELLING: Item seller, we can take time to sell your items for the best price's possible!
FYI: The selling of somebody else's item is not allowed on legacy.
**Mod Edit**
Please read the Xunlai Rules.
4. Non Bid. Post a bid or do not post. Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message.
BANKING: You have currency sitting in you bank collecting dust?
INVEST! we can provide you good intrest rates, by investing in the latest market developments. Taking care and invest in the latest hypes with your currency can generate you extra cash while doing nothing!
Lets talk about it!
"The latest market developments" "invest in the latest hypes"
At best this is a ponzi, at worst its just gona be insta theft but its definitely hilarious
**Mod Edit**
Please read the Xunlai Rules.
4. Non Bid. Post a bid or do not post. Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message.
whats the gold value?
i just dropped one yesterday q9 tact from the treasure chests
these are probably coming from the same right Pyro ?
Finally! Good work
250a is the most stable thing worth 250a you gona get. The reason minis ended up being used when 1750 became not enough is they are essentially as fungible as currency and more frequently traded than any specific high end weapon. As Clean says there is no consistent pricing of such high end items and even identical mods/mod order and reqs sold in the same time period could have big difference in price due to a more or less desired gold value (As Mr Clean knows all to well
). The HoD sword is somewhat of an exception but its not helpful in 1750+ trades when the common price is much less than 250a.
Kabong nicely points out the only real alternative to the age old "rare mini1+ rare mini 2 + rare mini3 for Ultra rare miniX" that I'm sure you are familiar with.
Buried in old screenshot's from 2008. I remember being offered it and 100e was slightly cheaper than a regular one at the time. Never hit accept, big regrets. But at least we got a first hand photo of such an item
Anybody know where this ended up?
as well as me are to my knowledge the only 2 Persons, who can claim to own one of these in Gold rarity.
Can confirm. Only ever seen these 2.
Wait? What is this lvl 5 heket on istan, i must find out if i can get that f**ker to drop no req 8ar insc tribal (face) shields.
Don't think lvl 5 can drop 8ar Q0. I've killed a lot of low level stuff and never seen one that low lvl drop max Q0. Anybody got evidence to the contrary?
NEW9 - b/o
Forbidden Staff - 120e