Bump added b/o for outcast unid.
Posts by Ishida
Shield A and C. 1a ea
set r/b on outcast unid set (2 sets in stock)
hehe i see, always someone who know the lv3 selling chars in kama =P
yea its true. but thanks for pointing it out makes me already feel like some other traders herei didnt know the exact value tbh, thats why i made this pricecheck.
even if i might overpaid a bit to others opinion. im still happy with it and put it on my sin then.
interesting. so the zodiac skin midrange Q tactic with not bad dual mod combi should be worth the same or even less then other overboted shittier skins (woc farm, factionskins) with same stats?
i highly doubt that, but well in the end the wts will show the intrest or the value if not more pl will give their opinion =)if im wrong my sin will be happy with the new shield =P
c2 30e
c4 30e
c18 50e
req. 11 Golden Phoenix Blade +5e b/o ing: aiko ishida
+9 armor vs undead / -2^enchant Q12 str shadow shield - offer 30e
Echovald cold -2s b/o
Q12 fire frog 100e
Q12 dom frogg 10a
Rainbows 20a
Cons 2e ea
Dv flatbow 20e
Echovald cold -2s - 50e
Outcast q11t, -2we +10 vs cold. 1a
Archiac axe q11, double vamp. 20e
Gothic axe q10, double vamp. 20e
Echov q9t, -2we +42we 50e
S2 30e
S6 30e
DV1 30e