Posts by OS T
i sold 2-3 prenerf/rare weapons at this player. But honestly, if i saw his collection back in a days and if i thought that he/she will custom some of them, i won't sell my previous items at him/her. I would much rather keep or sell my items to someone who wants to have a profit rather than someone who custom... Probably +95% of his collection was bought and not looted. Honestly, i really think that this player kill the beauty of this game in all sense of collection (contemplation, pleasure to trade, economy...). Its just a selfish move. This is just sad and shameless. I could have a certain admiration for this collection but, i have more digusting feelings to be honest. I know this is just a game but, for me, this player is just a custom criminal... We all know that guild wars is a special game for collectibles items/pets.
you seriously think that people who only loot rare q8s in gw can call themselves collectors?
People did custo os items way back when gw was in beta and in the pre nerf drop stage. for 98% rest of gw players who want to collect,getting q7 and q8 rare items is impossible.
There arent any collectors in gw that HASNT bought a q8/q7 rare/super rare OS item,and if they tell you otherwise they are full of shitt.
I mean you could get q9 collection as you prefer and loot them, there is some that have done that and building their own collection that way,but its very few people.
And if you think that players goes against what you write when killing the beauty of the game as you so eloquently put it. ITS NOT a selfish move, or maybe it is. People do collect for themselves, as they should. Get it???
You or anyone cant police if anyone is custoing stuff. And since you know collectibles is special, there is no wonder why people do customize weapons, right???
“You okay man” Omg like foreal though man, this game old as hell man you can’t care that much about another mmo player’s collection
thats right:)
You try to acquire what you can at this time and age when gw is like 17years old. So people cant care, I mean they can admire the collection ofcourse.
imagine if all the collectors did that, would you be happy to have 0 market to buy collectible os items besides that it takes away all the beauty of the items ? Probably not. I dont talk about custom 1 or 2 extremely sentimental rare weapons. I can understand. It's ok to custom the basic os Q9 weapons and all the common ones. I am not the only one to think that its just trash and disgusting as fuck to custom weapons like this. And i am pretty sure, more than 50% of the collectors feels the same. This section is not only the representation of all the existing collectors. From what I understand, this player is known in the community. Maybe I'm taking a risk saying that openly but I dont care, I'm not a friend with this player. I'm just expressing a really sincere feeling about ruining this game in term of beauty.
You okay man?
when people buy newly acquired OS items,be rare or super rare. They are the owners and they should do what they want. The collectors dont owe you or anyone to other gw players in hope they would resell it later. selling anything in this game is so profitable and when reselling prices goes up and up and custoing makes you the last owner.
Why would anyone really care about the community when collecting for themselves. gw is going downhill and if they to have something that remembers them by and its getting really difficult to find anything. If I want to custo weapons I sure will do that and I certainly dont care what a random person thinks on a forum board, which you can throw back at me.
Uhmm, that's incorrect. GW was not losing players when Nightfall released. It was peaking at that time, and continued to host a healthy population through Eye of the North. True they didn't do it in the spirit of the classic RPG, but it nonetheless helped those who played those games recapture the feeling. Arenanet took the bold step of introducing the Henchmen system into their MMO. They did so specifically so that people could use these NPC characters in lieu of real people, not only to round out groups, but to make being able to go out and explore and play the game a whole lot faster. The heroes came about because people who made use of the henchman had been asking for an upgrade to the system for the year and a half the game had been out. So Arenanet provided that to them, and then later enhanced it with the mercenary heroes.
MMORPG, or in the case of GW COOP-RPG as Arenanet called it. So yes, it very much is a Role-playing Game. To this very day, I see plenty of people still forming groups and even getting some PvP action going in Fort Aspenwood and Jade Quarry.
Guild Wars as made as a cooperative MMO. They designed it with group play in mind, but again, the henchman allowed for solo play in many areas. Certainly not as efficient as a full human party, but the bulk of the game allowed for complete solo play if one desired.
I got news for you - people have always cared about meta builds. Heroes have nothing to do with that. It's existent in any and every MMO out there. Henchmen and Heroes are still no substitute for a full human party. They literally cannot be more powerful than a full group of humans based on their design. So a full group of 8 humans of at least average skill level will always outperform 1 human of the same skill level and 7 heroes.
Heroes were not a thing at the beginning, but henchmen were, and I explained why. And that is also why many MMOs began to use similar systems in their games, like SWTOR, Neverwinter, and Everquest. I never felt that grouping was a forced thing in GW either, precisely because of the Henchmen and Heroes. In fact that system and the lack of a monthly sub were the two primary reasons I bought the game in the first place. Socialization is part and parcel of the MMO experience. The best MMOs give players a wide variety on how to socialize. Grouping is but one of those ways. Previously, in the early days, it was necessary to group with people to progress through content. However, as time has gone on, the industry has matured and the games reflect the paradigm shifts that come with that. Solo play is very much part and parcel of MMOs, as it should be, so that players can choose how and when to be social in their MMO.
If that's something you dislike, then perhaps you should look to play one of those older games that still have a reliance on forced grouping. There are still several out there.
I merely mentioned NF when it comes to cons. GW didnt loose player right after NF was released ofcourse,but close to gw2 release. I know very well why henchmen exists in gw.
The argument of made use of henchmen for human players and they asked for the upgrade to heroes, that I dont know about. But again, since gw was thriving at that point there was no reason to have heroes in gw1 until later when the playerbase went down. I took a break from gw when merc heroes came to gw so I cant speak about that, but merch heroes were merely a cash grab so you can play with all your alts,its the same as heroes ofcourse.
I know people have always cared for meta, its also why its always been nerfed after a little while, but most of the newest meta builds with Mesmers and UA build,sin,dervs but there havent been a in a long time since people use the most powerful team builds. So the OP current meta is so strong that most that have heroes dont need/want human players. I was in a guild prior a few years back and I asked if I could join a teamparty and I got refused since I was coming monking and the person said N/rt does a better job than healing. Thats how bad the current meta builds are, and that is what I'm aiming at
I'm also merely pointing out that even henchmen and heroes eventually were a thing its still a reason why the game is like that it is today.The henchmen were always there as you say,but they were even more dumber than the AI in henchmen of today, the AI got updated later on henchies. So all that have played from the beginning know how bad henchmen were when you had to use them. Yes they do make sure so you can solo,but it was always limited in compared to human players. When the news of 3 heroes in your party I was very excited because I had certain people I did vanquishing with and we both brought 3 heroes each. The problem came when 7 heroes in your party became a reality in gw.
You can call it a paradigm shift how you want, I still stand by what I say so, that is your view and I have mine.
And solo play was a big thing in gw before,but it was mostly farming certain spots, there werent much solo play with henchies. I guess the exception is those players without guild. But heroes have just destroyed gw team with 8 human players.
I don't think GW3 would be a bad idea if it were a modernized version of GW1 (but without asinine jumping puzzles. This is not a platformer genre. If you want platforming, go play Mario Bros). Sadly, I don't think the team today is capable of bringing that to fruition. A lot of people have mixed feelings about Nightfall, but I think GW1 really hit its stride in many areas with it.
Mission design was probably the best there out of the three games, and making those areas explorable outside of the mission was a boon. The advent of heroes was a boon to those looking to get back to the classic days of RPGs when you could form a full party of characters that you set up the way you want - Merc heroes being even better as they were skinned as your own characters. I know a lot of people look down on heroes, but they made the game playable for a great many of us who preferred to solo content, or couldn't play during prime time hours. To take them away would be completely antithesis to the concept of why NPC helpers were created in MMOs in the first place. Without them, or putting limits on them would require any content to scale according to the group size to allow for solo play. This is the 21st Century, forced grouping is a concept that has gratefully gone by the wayside.
First off, heroes were introduced only for the sole reason that gw1 was loosing players. It has nothing to do with back to the classic days of RPG. GW1 isnt a RPG. from the very start to the start of when gw2 was released no one had any problems with getting players to do stuff together, like vanqing,missions,elite areas, not stupid cons until NF was released either.
Gw1 isnt made for solo play, and when gw was loosing players they introduced heroes, 3 heroes per person first and then 7 heroes which just destroyed pve in general. People only care for meta builds nowadays and they don't care to accept players because heroes are more reliable than human players and they want to only gw with the most OP heroes so they can breeze through gw1 without any resistance. This is the end result of heoes coming onto gw1, meta OP builds and con,lots and lots of cons/pcons
Heroes were never a thing at the beginning of gw so its laughable that you point to a concept of why NPC helpers were created in MMO's.
And lastly a designed mmo with defined roles so grouping has to be a thing to get stuff done is necessary, and I have never looked at gw1 grouping up is a forced thing. If you do feel that way,you should play something else than gw,go play gw2 instead or other casual noob friendly mmo's
The thing is when you log in and not many are on like today and if you want it to be more like GW not GW2 then you will need heros and don't forget about PvP .There were lots of players in the first 3 years do do missions with but questing not really .
yes.that is the state of gw as of today. But in GW golden days you had bunch of players, not heroes where most people run meta builds and dont accept anyone except their own heroes in their party. As I mentioned earlier,you can implement a few heroes later where the devs can see that the playerbase is decreasing. So up to that point there is no need of heroes, it was a cool concept when they restricted it to 3 heroes per person,but at that time there were still abundance of players.
And PvP was fluorishing back in the golden days as well, even tho pvp players were toxic,but pvp usually is.
People actually did quests back in the day and alot of missions. In my guild at that time, EVERYONE was doing missions,capping(before titles were a thing). I would say people did missions with human players upwards to gw2 was released,after that alot of players moved onto gw2.
I would like for all the old classes to come back to as well as some of the GW2 like Chrono which was suppose to end up in GW as new chapter.@OST it would depend on if it was going to be coop instanced then you would need heros or hench.I would refer it that way unless you and an increase to the party size .
I would like to see attribute points back not traits .The only thing missing in GW is an auction house but they could of done that through msql like the online store .
I would say just over haul the old game add that and more out posts add new classes eg. Chron and Reverant .
I would say the GW is still selling as I keep seeing some new vids on it .It is a cheap game to play .
firstly, that would be too many professions with combining gw1 and gw2, that would be so much balancing to do.
we didnt need heroes back in the day of gw, there were abundance of people everywhere,we had henchies which was a joke do anything with. Heroes are a abomination in gw, it killed pve with other players, and then came 7 heroes and made gw1 a shitt storm. Gw made for coop. If there was coop instances you would have to play with human players.
I dont think many would care much for a auction house, if you really fancy go play wow or some other mmo who has in their.
I agree on some things Age . IF a gw3 would come I also would want it to continue the professions,but I also dont want heros to come back. Maybe later like it was introduced with NF and only limit to 2 or max 3.
7 heroes kills pve with other humans. Before heroes were a thing,we had henchmen and they sucked so bad so that kind of incentivized to play with other human players as much as possible.
They really need to bring the core proffesions back atleast,like warrior,monk,necro,ele,mesmer,ranger.
I'm actually watching the video you posted here,but I dont think it should continue from gw2 with all the classes and professions,but instead use the professions with a main and a secondary, 8 skills, bring back the OS stuff, titles. This time it should be a dedicated monk so all roles are defined.
the combat style that the lady is talking about should be inspired from gw1.
I dont really want it to be instanced, I played Aion for like 5years and all zones were instanced pretty much which turned out pretty annoying with quests. I quite like how gw1 does it.
I also dont really think a UE5 would be the best idea, people would probably need a really high end GPU to run the UE5 game and it would be too much focused on graphics and less gameplay.
I always feel that the devs are pushing to show how good the new engine is in their game.
I don't get it. The arguments often boil down to "every class should be able to do everthing"? What's the point of having different classes then?
I dont get it either. every mmo should have class/profession system so they can play of each other roles
Its' made for casuals and they forgot how gw really works with professions. I really hated the fact when they announced that they wouldnt have a dedicated monk and that made me realize gw2 is for casuals. Gw2 can rot for all I care, when they decided to do a 180.
Personally I would want to have a video of how to farm specific items but I understand the desire to keep that knowledge secret, I've been casually trying to get a q8 tattooed scimitar for a few months now just popping in for the farm when I notice favor is up and I'm not doing anything, knowing full well that a few "persons" could most likely find it in a few days. I think that the importance of an item comes down to the individual, if you really just like a skin or it has some personal significance to you then why would it matter that there are a lot of them around in the game?
I think for many it doesnt matter if the skin is much farmed, but it has to be that the person really loves the skin. But for many they only farm the really valuable skins so they can make a huge profit for as long as possible.
this is the problem we all get when everything is shared in gw community. This has happened from the very start of gw with all skins.
This has happened with collosal scimitar, holy vial, elemental sword. And recently magma shield, magma shields will eventually be not so sought after because it will be more common. Same happened with plat staff. And etc...
If people would just not share farming stuff, it would be more expensive and more rare.
This is something that gw players have contributed towards, and I mean those who post farming builds for everything.
and this just brings me to another topic of favor,which are so bad after they changed that favor is literally there so people can get a higher chance of getting a rare skin drop. I really miss the old favor system.
I really hope that kadar wont post a farming video,and no one else will either in the future. But I know it wont happen anyway,since if said person A wont do it, said person B will do it eventually.
maybe read things before hitting that quote button , but they do mention not testing as why i tested thier claim....
I know,but they lie about not testing the unids:p.But good on you for testing it though. But the sellers dont have any obligations to mention it was tested it either.
just bought 50 unid os magmas from A L I N in ppp to see if they test thier unids, conclusion every single one was at least 2hp off max even the single mods so yes, they do in-fact test thier unids, just a heads up to anyone who buys unid packs most always test before selling
what you expect? such a high end skin and you really think no one checks for double mods with 30hp and stuff like that?
Thats just being naive. Everyne that sell big buks does this,but ofcourse they dont mention this to sucker in all the buyers.
That is what I ma referring to .No I don't want to .They got mounts something that was said no upon .
well,you do get free stuff in events, so theres that.
And gw1 doesnt need to be on par with any other MMO,if you dont like gw1 based on how it has been for over 15years you should find another game that gives out free stuff daily/weekly.
If you really feel like that go back to gw2,gw2 is an embarresment from gw1 players standpoint.
Gw2 was made total opposite from gw1
10e prot holy rod
a q9 20/20 heal wand is not 100a,much more than that. I had to spend alot more for my q9,but that doesnt mean I'm PCing that high. But its more than 100a
PCing a q10 between 10-15a is laughable. Ive seen turds PCed higher, and this is 20/20 that is matching.
For such low PC on a q13 5-10a, I would just keep the wand for myself.