well im sure is common on shinjea but that one drops from lvl 20 am fah lol xd
im so sorry ddnt check unid value
well im sure is common on shinjea but that one drops from lvl 20 am fah lol xd
im so sorry ddnt check unid value
Had to wait for the anniversary event to gather the last few missing pieces, but the base green collection is finished!
985 items by my count, assuming I haven't missed anything. Every postnerf/currently-obtainable green in the game. Organized by profession, weapon type, and alphabetically (basically how wiki lists them in their respective profession lists). White border at bottom left is multi-prof, decade weapons, and hero-exclusive greens.
Now to find the rest of the prenerfs...
well im sure is common on shinjea but that one drops from lvl 20 am fah lol xd
im so sorry ddnt check unid value
that's indeed very low but happens. I'd suppose the gv was 32g or at least rather low. these low req white/blue are really rare but happen. I had as low as q6 and as low as 12-17 sword from lvl 23 in hm what catches me more is that it is the current max damage for q4 but I'd guess that even 15-25 might be possible but even rarer
Just had one of the most insane gold waves ever. Was killing stuff in Sunqua Vale, in the end l left when there were maybe 10-15 enemies left short of a full vq (crimson skull mesmers be bitches to kill).
Overall around 25 gold drops (2 golds from chests), sadly most of them without any significance.
Like this q9 +5e wrong kind of Spiked...
One cool thing tho, seems dragon staves can indeed drop from locked chests there (although l'm convinced every factions skin can drop there)
Just wish it was less crappy...
that's indeed very low but happens. I'd suppose the gv was 32g or at least rather low. these low req white/blue are really rare but happen. I had as low as q6 and as low as 12-17 sword from lvl 23 in hm
what catches me more is that it is the current max damage for q4 but I'd guess that even 15-25 might be possible but even rarer
that will happens too with insc shields?
i thought the lowest was 5 for lvls 20
Sadly not q9, but I haven't dropped DV hammer in ages
sad because I collect mods like this
Not bad i guess
not again...
Commendation Farm brought a little Nostalgia today. The First Dual Mod I ever dropped was almost identical to this right around 2006. Good Stuff!
If only it was 2020 I would have emptied my wallet 😢
just bought 50 unid os magmas from A L I N in ppp to see if they test thier unids, conclusion every single one was at least 2hp off max even the single mods so yes, they do in-fact test thier unids, just a heads up to anyone who buys unid packs most always test before selling
just bought 50 unid os magmas from A L I N in ppp to see if they test thier unids, conclusion every single one was at least 2hp off max even the single mods so yes, they do in-fact test thier unids, just a heads up to anyone who buys unid packs most always test before selling
what you expect? such a high end skin and you really think no one checks for double mods with 30hp and stuff like that?
Thats just being naive. Everyne that sell big buks does this,but ofcourse they dont mention this to sucker in all the buyers.
Sadly not q9, but I haven't dropped DV hammer in ages
and 3 days later - DZ, also q10
just bought 50 unid os magmas from A L I N in ppp to see if they test thier unids, conclusion every single one was at least 2hp off max even the single mods so yes, they do in-fact test thier unids, just a heads up to anyone who buys unid packs most always test before selling
that's why l prefer buying unids for 1k/ea. Can't go wrong with that
just bought 50 unid os magmas from A L I N in ppp to see if they test thier unids, conclusion every single one was at least 2hp off max even the single mods so yes, they do in-fact test thier unids, just a heads up to anyone who buys unid packs most always test before selling
I'm sorry for my ignorance but how does one "test" and unid?
I'm sorry for my ignorance but how does one "test" and unid?
An unidentified object equipped, will have the statistics of the weapon and these effects. Example, equip a shield, if you gain +27hp -> go resell unid. This is more complex with the % chance stats, etc.
hmmm the game just keeps on giving lol
The double one-off from Pongmei
i want this one xd
loves a part, idk how much u pay for the magmas he offer it to me 8a/25(5 of each req) if he test it is a steal
what you expect? such a high end skin and you really think no one checks for double mods with 30hp and stuff like that?
Thats just being naive. Everyne that sell big buks does this,but ofcourse they dont mention this to sucker in all the buyers.
maybe read things before hitting that quote button , but they do mention not testing as why i tested thier claim....
maybe read things before hitting that quote button
, but they do mention not testing as why i tested thier claim....
I know,but they lie about not testing the unids:p.But good on you for testing it though. But the sellers dont have any obligations to mention it was tested it either.
was just a curious seller, as they were at one point a pretty reputable trader, guess not anymore
was just a curious seller, as they were at one point a pretty reputable trader, guess not anymore
Yeah I strongly believe that people shouldn't be allowed to sell rare skin unids here, as I've voiced previously. Want to sell them 1k each? Go for it. Want to try to get buku dollars suckering someone into a thinking they have a chance at an XXX a shield? That shouldn't be allowed. It's too easy to test these items. It's not a fair game when the seller has more information than the buyer. In blackjack, the casino doesn't know what card is coming next. The casino gets a small edge. But testing the shields before selling them would be like if the casino knew the next 5 cards.
Yeah I strongly believe that people shouldn't be allowed to sell rare skin unids here, as I've voiced previously. Want to sell them 1k each? Go for it. Want to try to get buku dollars suckering someone into a thinking they have a chance at an XXX a shield? That shouldn't be allowed.
That's why l stick to 1k unids
I don't buy UNID shields myself but isn't it intriguing to think you could potentially get a whole batch of dual modded 2^Ench 10vsXXXXX shields???? Yes, the 2^Ench can be tested but seems like much more of a pain than testing for +HP.
The only thing that can be done here is the general education that unid shields can be tested, surprisingly it isn't a known fact for all players, just not something everyone has been exposed to or had the pleasure of learning.
To sum it up, it's buyer's risk even though not recommended, but if you want to help line someone else's pocket as they are more likely to profit than you, it's your money being used.
I don't buy UNID shields myself but isn't it intriguing to think you could potentially get a whole batch of dual modded 2^Ench 10vsXXXXX shields???? Yes, the 2^Ench can be tested but seems like much more of a pain than testing for +HP.
The only thing that can be done here is the general education that unid shields can be tested, surprisingly it isn't a known fact for all players, just not something everyone has been exposed to or had the pleasure of learning.
To sum it up, it's buyer's risk even though not recommended, but if you want to help line someone else's pocket as they are more likely to profit than you, it's your money being used.
I don't think that's very likely because you can also test for -2 enchant. Just go take some damage from some foes with a -0 ench and a -2 ench shield and you should see a difference of 2 on average. I recall trying that in the past and you can see a difference. But it was a long time ago.
The +10's would be a pain in the butt to test for, but it can be done.
Frankly, I'd assume that anyone selling rare skin unid shields already knows the mod combination on them isn't anything worthwhile. And I'd extend that to any unid anything. Anything can be tested. Staffs, swords, shields, etc.
I think the simple trade rule : buyer and seller agree upon the price, other conditions may apply.
The motivation behind it is unknown or different.
I sold some urgoz/deep drop unid years ago, i was searching for q12staff only, everything else either merch or sell as unid.
So, can we back to see some more amazing screenshot please?
damn. that tall shield Mango
maybe read things before hitting that quote button
, but they do mention not testing as why i tested thier claim....
Also I dont think Your point is Valid since its not promised you will get perfect shield from xx shields. It can take hundreds or thousands of unids to get that perfect mag.
Edit. I am not saying some one is or isnt testing. I am Just saying that in my opinion what you suggested doesnt have to be true.