Posts by Oldschool Cool
Super common and unwanted skin in 20/10, the staff is merch. But you can salvage the Adapt staff head and the +20% ench staff wrap and sell them for 1e/each in kama.
Imo Blind price check is way too low. I would agree with Red that 5a is the bare minimum and that it could go higher depending on the bidwar.
I think the Q9 -2 wE +10 charr from Tongtong ended up somewhere in the 55a/60a range. Ofc Troll isn't as wanted (and as useful) as Charr but it still show that that there is a decent interest on this skin with creature mod.
All those are 1-5e if you find a collector or just merch. The Skull and the SotW aren't OS there are just white shield from NF/EoTN with a shield handle.
I'm kinda curious about the Kappa shield. A Q0 OS can only come from Shing Jea and I thought the Shing Jea Kappa didn't drop them ? Is it from a chest maybe ?
Around 5-10e for the shadow blade if you find a buyer, everything else is merch
Edit : Looney is right I meant the Q9 shadow blade
I kinda feel bad for Air Magic, being all left out like that.
Maybe this one will make you feel better then :
I can't answer on the WiK mini, but I would assume that if their price stayed stable then it means they most likely still drop.
For the Raven Staves they drop in the desert (got one my self in a chest near the minotaur in Elona Brief) and they also drop in the Jungle (a guy I know got one while VQing a zone).
Not sure of their correlation to dropping SOTW or Aegis, these are core skins so they can drop in many places.
I don't think that Raven and Aegis/SotW share the exact same drop pattern but they have some similarities for sure.
Aegis/SotW are core skin but they seems limited to mid/high level foes. They don't drop in Ascalon (or at least don't drop on the Nolami charrs that have been abundantly farmed), as far as I know they don't drop in the Nothern shiverpeak and all the people I have asked haven't been able to confirm they drop in Shing Jea either.
They seems to drop in the maguuma jungle (a wiki entry mention a drop on a behemoth in the Fall) but I haven't been able to get one after a lot of chest running and troll farming in Reedbog, so I would assume they are rare (as rare as the Raven ?)
They seems to have the usual drop rate on all the other area, Faction main island, Krytia, Crystal Desert, Southern Shiverpeak and Ring of fire.
Side note on the raven :
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How do we explain this prenerf one ?
I'm afraid i'm going to be the bearer of bad news, but even as a collector of weird/cute/funny item I don't see much value in those.
S2 : sellable but nothing crazy 100-150e maybe ? Wait for more opinions
W4 : maybe someone can save it for a few ecto
S1 : 10e max if you ever find a buyer
I would just merch / hero everything else
Aegis Q12=5e, Aegis Q9=15e
An amazing and underrated OS only skin ! Congratz on the drop Gabb
The UNID gold value of green items is 35g (with one exception Woe Spreader who has a 34 g value).
Lately I have been farming Keshel the Voracious in hope of getting some Q3 golds and I have logged all the value of the Keshel staves that I dropped.
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49 42 36 36 36 50 44 62 66 36 36 69 54 45 41 36 56 61 38 36 36 45 68 45 36 As you can see the gold value is in the 36g to 69g range. Keep in mind that Keshel is a lvl 12 boss and was farmed in NM, so I don't think the mode or the level of ennemies has any influence on the gold value.
I think Praise has a regular green with a 70g gold value.
Unholy has an IDed Yakslapper with a 35g gold value.
So assuming Unholy Yakslapper isn't bugged or prenerf I would say the pattern appears to be very close to the white and blue : an addition going from +0g to + UNID value (+35g).
EDIT : What do you have in mind you crazy bastard ? A new collection of greens with a specific value ?
By the way, do you have some sort of external program that logs everything you loot to do your stats ? I'm quite interested in it !
Trust me you are not the first one to ask, many people in the chest running and OS farming community have been interested in something similar.
Recently an amateur tool has been developed that can "scan" your inventory and create an excel spreadsheet listing all the weapons in it. This tool can log everything, item name, req, rarity, mods and mod order, gold value and more.
It has been used to gather more information on the inner working on the game, having a better idea of the drop table for some chest run or some farm, knowing the % of chance to get a specific weapon mod and so on.
Feel free to PM me for more informations.
Agree with above, merch or hero
My buddy has 2 -50hp Necro Death Magic runes. If interested, I can set up a meeting.
Thanks for the offer but I already have this one. The only -50hp i was missing were Strength and Communing (I have them now and I removed them from the list).
Added some more SotW/Aegis i'm after.
I will be slowing down on the common skin triple prof wands (hard to find enough storage for them) and I have adjusted my prices accordingly.
And bump
The mods are bad as you said, and the damage aren't max either (for Q7 wands it's 11-20).
I don't see it having any value. Best case scenario is that a collector will throw 2e to save it from the merch but I wouldn't count on it.
Hey quick and dirty PC :
Earth scroll has some collector value but the 19% hurt badly. I'm personally interested so I won't PC it.
Jade LB and Forked sword some ecto if you find someone who need it, hard sale.
Everything else is merch
Unholy is the main expert on prenerf greens but if you need another opinion I agree with him : Kepkhet and Wenslauss are common and in the 1a range. Milthuran and Stonereaper are a bit rarer but still nothing exceptional. You should definitively check if you have other prenerf greens (the current prenerf green list isn't exhaustive and new one are found form time to time).
For the other items :
- Spiked axe Q8, not the best mod on core skin I think those are in the 5/8a range.
- Celestial shield is not that great, non max and mismatching mods 1/2a maybe.
- Hand axe is a fun one. 15% while hexed is cute (the max would be 20% while hexed). I'm interested in it so I won't price check it.
- Q7 spatha all the Q7 max are very valuable even if they aren't max mod. Wait for more opinion on this one.
- Magmas shield and Q8 wand, also valuable items, wait for more opinion on those.
Let me help you clean your inventory BO on :
- AE3
- Sotw1