Posts by Mr. Clean(-Value)
Snowman lair NM when favor is on
Since no one wants to burn his fingers on this lemme take the bait
Out of all 3 the 14^50 obviously has the biggest value. Crystaline is a very iconic skin and these may still drop but the chances are just so super low.
Items like these, I am fairly sure, will attract more then 1 wealthy 🧐 bidder and end up in a bidwar so endprice can't be precisely predicted.
So lemme drop the Blind Was My Fury Bomb 💣 and shoot the : 100a+ comment
" for the 14^50 at least.
q9 tac skeleton shield +30 +10 vs fire 15e
q9 platinum 20/20 channeling - 15e
50e to start of one of the saddest drops of 2021
its so close to perfect and still yet a beauty on it own
250e on the holy staff
thats my little cute cute
its also Zeal not vamp
me personally i merch those. its just way to hard to sell them
EDIT: Salvage mods before ofc. they worth more then the staff
q9 str plagueborn +10 vs ogres -2wE
q9 tac tall shield +10 vs ogres -2wE
q9 str bronze -2wE +10 vs ogres
30e for all
Dang okay. So the dream is killed
So that area drops hammers but no Shields?!
I happen to find a q4 golden OS duo vamp summit hammer in my storage. And I am wondering if such are pre nerf or is there a area of low level dwarves?
Because if so then a low req summit shield should also be possible.?!
Where summit hammers drop also summit Shields should drop right? 🙂
Thanks for help
and let the hunt for the q4 golden summit shield Beginn
Twinhammer 25e.
So we meet again PyroLobster
u don't want it. Look at the mods. How does the order look to you?
?! 🤔 That's not ur cup of tea. But I will help you fixing your mistake and bidding over your c/o so u don't have to admit ur mistkae. Np. No need to thank me. That's just how I am
If the earth staff ja obsidian skin it's worth to auction it.
If not I would salvage all mods and merch everything
Dadan is a MAX purple shield collector. this might interesst him. dunno what he pays for such but note that is a max max purple like a its max as a golden shield and the comb also could be on golden shields in same way.
sold similar pieces for ~20e+ before there are people that looked for MAX MAX purple shields ( cond mod and -2wS or -2wE )
on the WTB there was some one looking to buy all possible mod combs of MAX MAX purple shields. dunno if hes still doing tho
Definitely don't merch that would be to sad for such a cool shield.
The 1 off kills most of its value and the skin sadly is very common. There are many max version for sale atm.
I would. Be happy on ~25e+
77g on ornate Buckler Zes
q9 str (
) +10vs demon +45wE plagueborn shield 300 gv
q10 tac plagueborn -2wE +10 vs cold 10e
Bought celestial pig minis in bulk as the price was rising, came back to the game to find out they are given away for free every year... Ouch
ah fck yeah back then 2008 u could have traded 5 normal pigs for a celestial pig. i also remember when they raised in price nearly over night.
but imagine people also did the following :
- the first e blade ever dropped and openly sold was q9 : if i recap completly it had offers of 2x vizu and ~1000 ectos wich was like insane back then. vizu was even rarer and more wanted then Panda.
soon after the prices dropped to a couple hundred ectos cause UW sc was super easy.
if he kept the e blade at least its worth more then 2x vizu and 1000e nowaways XD
Now comes the other part with vizus. u lost quite investment on cele pigs. but imagine u invested in vizus. uuuf. trading like mutiple pandas into vizus. then come back to the game thinking u are like super rich and now u can barely effort an obsi armor. damn
Also some personal OOPSIES:
1. I also fell for the shadow step trick (didnt knew about Ebon Escape) i even checked that he didnt had assasin class - my precious q9 +5en OS zodi axe. was a big hit for me back then. never told someone cause i was so ashamed
2. I owned and sold the first ever q8/16 gold enamled shield on the market back then on WARTOWER. sold it for 275e or 475e i cant recap for sure. it was quite somemoney back then, still not a good trade from modern perspective
3. Sold a q7 duo modded plagueborn focus for 30 platin cause i thought the mods are not playable xD i for sure know it was q7 souldreaping and duo max mods. mods where not caster mods so i thought its trash
puuh . "Da fällt mir aber ein Stein vom Herzen" - that would germans say in that moment
also got this bad boy over here :cool:
very nice complete collection
Side note 136g is the lowest for a max armor shield in q8 , thats why its such a repeating number
Canthan chest should be enough