Posts by Mr. Clean(-Value)
20e on q9 -2 /43 Tactic
30e on q10 tactic 10 Armor Dem. -2stance
i recetly found that plagueborn sword actually matches the outcast better then the plagueborn shield. also a great OS set
Hey guys.
i was wondering if these Mobs are like Demon or Undead ? or something else ?
maybe some one can help
1x xun raos quil pls
been looking for that one a while now
i mean its not merch with double duo mod. but q11 and blunt dmg really put it down.
maybe 5e-10e max if some one really wants a Jug and doesnt care the second mod.
Please help me out on this one i dropped yesterday. Maybe some one had a similar piece (like q9 and 20/20 same profession) sold and wanna tell price or maybe you are a collector and can say what you are up to willing to pay (even tho that would be a tough struggle to say the real number an not low ball when self interessted ^^)
Thanks and best regards to all
5k on #23
Tanky Jug for buffed Monks
s8 and s9
5e each
Reinforced Buckler 10e
Summit 30e
Goth 10 Slash and +30hp : 2 Arms
Stone Shield value 76 gold -blind inscr - 15 Zkeys
Goth 10 Slash and +30hp
if some one looks up to 500e i saw a lot of different prices. In an GvG ally they shared what they payed it was between 150-500e. but it really depends if some one needs it.
this item is pretty narrow in use. compared to Caster weapons the market is way smaller but still this is the top notch hammer u can get (excluded q8 versions)
in kamadan trade chat i found this guy he buys for 220e : X Cracks X maybe hit him up and ask if he allready got
have a nice day
that website was shown to me as down also
i see if maybe some one of my ally has monk fow.
canthan Hand axe q9 +15^-5 OS
i read on reddit that GW Dressup is down ?
yeah please share with me
if it works i need to get my new obby armor. if not i need another projekt
For shield only 1 option for Necro :
Outcast Shield. and for Caster Weapon a Dead Sword wich allrdy has some green accents. (dead swords are pretty huge btw.)
Focus i use with my Necro and wich looks awesome to Obby Armor is: Pronged Fan
Scepter maybe a Dead Scepter or Serpent Scepter.
by dyeing with multiple colors (2x green 1x black 1x brown) or smthng u can try to color match each Main and Off hand weapon from the Green Shade.
!!!!This is pure esthetic and maybe not as usable because of Soul Reaping Attributes of the Wand and Offhand i suggested.!!!
for better Help we need your Attribute ( i assume Death since u mentioned the Skull-Focus).
Also an Effigy Focus can look super dope on a Necro and is very nice dyeable and can maybe combined with a Scepter of the forgotten
Hey my fellow GW'ers
I need a new projekt and was thinking about buying Monk FoW armor and i wanted to dye it in mono color.
SO my Question is:
Is it possible to match the creme color of the Fow armor to make it look like just one color ?
so the red color u see in the picture(form Guildwiki) is what u can dye urself and the left over like yellowish cremy silky parts is the color i want to reproduce on the red parts to make it look like mono color ( idk the colour also i am not a native speaker hope u can get my point still )
maybe some one of u has the Monk FoW armor and could make a dye-window screen
hey i have Virtuoso - Ourcast Wrappings of - superior Fast cast
i agree with my pre - poster
i would merch it. not a real disired skin for a fighting sword
also 15^50 most of the time is more what people want and even that would be hard to sell.
Hey what u think about this 2 ?
Eternal shield mod is -3/13 and Scroll has "highly Salvagable" the only blue max insprib on blue.
*edit : sorry forgot to press translate button. next time i will translate