Posts by Marty Silverblade

    Your default option should be vampiric. It produces more damage than sundering in more or less every situation. Ironically, sundering gets worse as the armor level of the enemy increases.

    A zealous weapon should also be considered mandatory. Some builds are dependant on it to function, while others will still find it useful to switch to when facing strong energy denial, when death penalty becomes problematic, etc.

    Elemental weapons are used to trigger certain skills, eg conjures, provided you aren't using some other means to convert your damage type. They can also be useful to switch to against warriors or other enemies with notable differences in armor levels, but nobody really bothers doing that.

    The condition extending ones are generally useless. Conditions last long enough that the enemy will be dead before they expire and/or are easily enough reapplied. Silencing is the only exception, but daze nowadays really just comes from casters running Technobabble or Fevered Dreams.

    Furious doesn't do enough to warrant running. In 10 hits vamp will produce 30 or 50 damage, so what can you do with one extra strike of adrenaline that is comparable? Using adrenaline boosters (eg, For Great Justice) does affect the gain from furious, but it's still not consistent enough to have any appreciable impact.

    The earliest in each campaign you can find crafters for it is Droknar's Forge (Prophecies), Kaineng Center (Factions), Consulate Docks (Nightfall), and Boreal Station (EotN). You'll reach them relatively early in each campaign except for Proph, though if that's the campaign you're in you can always jump over to one of the others (Kaineng is probably the quickest) if you'd prefer to get your armor earlier.

    Elite armor is actually just for prestige. It doesn't offer any functional improvement over the regular sets. All you need to look for is the armor to have the maximum armor level for your profession (80 for warriors and paragons, 70 for rangers, assassins, and dervishes, 60 for everything else). It's typically craftable at 1k per piece (plus materials, which may or may not be significant depending on what you have and what they cost), which should not be prohibitive once you reach the crafter unless you've been skipping a lot of content. Afterwards you can add runes and insignia to improve it further.

    Some thoughts:

    -Staves function as a skill on a stick rather than a martial weapon so the base damage won't scale according to your attribute - unfortunately having 16 spawning won't give you an extra ~15% damage.

    -The wiki claims the attribute only affects critical chance for martial weapons. The formula isn't clear to me so I ran six three minute trials against the master of damage with 9 and 16 fire magic, with the following total damage results:

    9: 1707, 1660, 1675, 1670, 1680, 1689 (average 1680.16)

    16: 1733, 1690, 1728, 1660, 1771, 1691 (average 1712.16)

    If the crit chance is supposedly the same, why is there a discrepancy in damage? I would think the sample size is big enough here. I suppose if you look at it from a dps point of view an extra 32 points over 180 seconds is next to nothing, but the 9 scores look too consistent to ever reach 1730+ without an absurd amount of luck. Idk. Fortunately, it doesn't really matter if we understand it or not because we'll be maxing spawning regardless.

    -Great Dwarf Weapon would be great, but cannot self target. It would also remove the need to invest into channeling (but add the need to consume alcohol), allowing you to either max out the conjure attribute (+3 damage) or spend elsewhere.

    -SS+Conjure+EBSoH+GDW+IATS = 109 damage. A customised 15^50 staff crit would deal 43 damage against a 60AL target. (A non crit with the same bonuses would deal 15-30 damage, with an average of 23.) So a 152 damage staff hit against the master of damage should be possible (albeit with another player providing GDW); is there anything else that could be added? If you only cared about the single highest damage rather than dps you could use Dodge This rather than Drunken Master. Judge's Insight won't work because it changes your damage type and I can't think of a way to get it back to elemental.

    I created the code for the one above: OAajQyiIiSLg0iykzkIbdDZgXM (I guess this build is to be used with the stats of the Envoy Staff of your picture, isn't?)

    HCT mods won't do anything for that build. You'd want HRT to try and get your enchants available sooner in case they get stripped, given you'd be useless without them. You may also want to switch to a spear for attacking - you'll get 16% more hits in (and can use a shield), though there are downsides to that. I also doubt Shell Shock is worth it - it's not going to overcome the damage you get by just autoattacking, and if you really care about the bleeding from Deft Strike you can always bring Weaken Armor on a hero.

    There are no requirements that I can think of, unless you're trying to apply a profession specific upgrade to a different profession. Applying upgrades to heroes is the same process as it is for your own armor. Give us more info. What are you trying to apply and to whom? What actually happens when it fails - is there an error message or something?

    I think we're looking at this the wrong way. I think the threshold isn't rounded at all - there's no need for it to be. You can't have half attribute points, so odd levels where you get .5 thresholds are functionally identical to the level below. So at level 19 (threshold 11.5) it takes 11 for the under and 3 for the over, which is the same way it turns out at level 18. Inputting 11.5 and 2.5 doesn't make sense. What would be getting rounded is the under (rounded down) and the over (rounded up).

    It is indeed a 6 point difference in damage, though in practice it probably isn't relevant. Against a 220 health enemy it should be a two hit kill either way once you factor in the elevation bonus and/or ignite arrows and/or a charrslaying mod. Maybe it makes a difference if you want to one shot them with dual shot, or if you take the ranger and warrior charr into consideration.

    I made an error with the calculator - I overlooked the level box because I thought it was only used for estimating the armor level of the target. Setting it to 8 results in it calculating a 100% critical chance, but with an additional message that says "Note: Critical hit chances greater than 66% are subject to an unknown (presumably) asymptotic limiting function that prevents them from ever reaching 100%. Your actual chance to critical hit is slightly lower than the results displayed."

    Also, I forgot to mention that attacking from a higher elevation than the enemy increases your damage, though I've never seen anyone attempt to quantify it or figure out how to calculate it.

    Spell damage is simple. Under those circumstances the damage should be 106 at level 19 and 112 at 20.

    As far as I can see on that page, the damage of an actual critical hit is not different between lvl19 or lvl20. Level only affects non-critical dmg, and critical hit % chance, not critical hit dmg. So if enemy armor lvl, bow attr level, bow dmg & modifiers are all the same, your critical hits at lvl19-20 will deal the same dmg.

    The page doesn't make it clear, but the attribute level part in the critical hit formula needs to be adjusted according to the attribute threshold, which does apply character level. Having said that, the character level is halved so if it's rounded up (which I assume to be the case but might not be) there won't be a difference in crit damage between levels 19 and 20.

    Assuming the 15% damage bonus is triggering and the bow is customised, in addition to the stated circumstances, the bow crit should deal 106 damage (not a typo - it's incidentally the same as the level 19 flare damage).

    Back in the day Chthon built a damage calculator which you can find here:…ulator.001.html

    It's only for weapons (presumably because spells aren't complicated enough to bother) and it assumes you're level 20, but it'll tell you plenty. It confirms the 106 crit damage I calculated above, plus it shows the average dps. At level 19 your crit chance will be lower and thus your average dps will be lower. To save you a minute I've screenshotted mine, though obviously if you want to play around with it (maybe you're /W for frenzy or something) you'll need to set it up yourself.

    When it comes to weapons your level affects how much your weapon attribute scales your damage as well as your critical chance. A critical hit sets your base damage to the max damage of your weapon * 1.41 (or 1.1 in the case of scythes).

    When it comes to spells your level determines the baseline armor level that the enemy would need to break even on damage. The damage they take is scaled according to where their armor level is relative to it. So, a charr shaman has (according to the wiki) 23 armor vs fire. A level 7 ele with 10 fire magic would see the flare description say it deals 50 damage. The breakeven point for this ele - three times their level - is 21AL. The charr has more armor than that so that 50 damage gets scaled down. When the ele levels up their breakeven point goes up to 24AL which is higher than what the charr has, so flare would get scaled up in damage.

    Grand Court is the noob trap mission of NF. It's there to teach you to not overload on defence and/or have an impotent offence. Once you've got that sorted it's pretty straightforward. As for actual strategy, it helps to pause near the start so that all the enemies reach the middle and you can fight them in one location rather than in three smaller groups in different directions. If you clear the first bunch efficiently then the new spawns shouldn't be any trouble.

    Gyala is possibly my least favourite mission in the game so my knowledge is a lot more limited, but if you can use the canisters to nuke the melee's going for the turtles and then aggro the ranged/caster enemies before they're in range of them that should be enough to keep them safe. Again, clearing the enemies efficiently is going to be the core of the strategy. Regardless, Heroic Refrain will let you get a lot more out of your ST rit than other professions would so there'll be more room for error.

    So For mesmers in January of 2012 especially they became one of the best classes for hard mode. In that month to sort of nerf elementalists I think was their reasoning they increased the armor on mobs in hm while lowering their health. This naturally made the armor ignoring damage mesmers can provide better.

    You've got that backwards. Armor was lowered and health was increased, which had a net effect of zero on armor respecting damage dealers and a negative effect on armor ignoring ones. It was necessary because the 2010 mesmer update made them gamebreakingly overpowered (which is still the case after 2012), but armor ignoring damage had largely been preferred prior to that anyway (see: discord).

    The same thing is true for assassins in general pve (I can't speak for farming/speedclearing) - weapon users deal damage by stacking buffs and then triggering them as quickly as possible. The standard dagger chain allows assassins to attack at an obscene rate, and is capped off by the also gamebreakingly overpowered death blossom. This is evident with every weapon user barring dervs often being better off dagger spamming than using their native weapons.

    As a general rule Anet don't whitelist mods. You'll never get a definitive answer that something is ok. Certain functionalities are blacklisted, such as automating gameplay. Anything outside of those blacklisted functionalites is use at your own risk. Personally I've only ever used Texmod and never had a problem with it. Using a non-windows machine shouldn't make a difference to these policies.

    Both the game and DoA specifically have had the difficulty nerfed significantly over the years so it's actually not particularly hard to get through it with heroes. It's even possible in HM and without cons, though of course that's a lot harder and irrelevant for your purpose. It's been a while since I've done it, but I remember City being the easiest. Just watch your compass and pull when needed.

    It looks like they still intend to have one page with all the info, it's just that they want to be able to store the info in one place (the individual area pages) and then be able to pull it from there to dynamically generate a table on the Vanquisher page. They're still figuring out exactly how they're going to do that. Not ideal to clear out the data before designing the new solution though.

    Gwpvx looks like it's got all the meta stuff covered. You shouldn't be struggling to be productive with such builds. What issues are you having? Perhaps it's a matter of execution - melee characters in particular vary wildly in effectiveness depending on the usage by the player.

    As for other builds, looking through the warrior elites on the wiki would be a good place to start - warrior bars tend to be defined by them so find something that looks interesting and build around it. You could also try digging through the guru archive or the old german forum. There's also the discord, though that's not really searchable.

    Henchmen are definitely good enough to get you through. They were good enough on release and since then it's only gotten easier. Most notably, Arenanet stopped caring about balance around 2010 so the tools at your disposal are significantly more powerful than they were in 2008 (though your access to them will be limited if you're only buying one campaign) and the henchmen bars were updated (around 2010 if memory serves) so that they're at the very least decent (some of them even roughly resemble meta bars). Ultimately, you don't need to worry about being stuck with henchmen - if you're struggling it won't be because their bars aren't viable.

    As an aside, why factions? If you're only getting one campaign I'd be inclined to recommend nightfall. You could also try contacting support to get access to your old account, though that will take a while and will be dependent on how much information you have on hand.

    There's nothing on either wiki that suggests it becomes unavailable if you complete Ice Caves of Sorrow first and that's not something that typically happens anyway, so unless someone can 100% confirm that that is the case, assume you completed it and forgot. Don't waste your time or support's time by contacting them about this.

    That message is standard for all heroes. They all have that. It's redundant for the "(depends on level)" message to appear for mercenaries because, as you pointed out, they start at level 20 and will therefore always have the max armor for their profession (60 for casters, 70 for assassin/ranger/derv, 80 for warrior/paragon). Anet either didn't think to remove it or didn't think it was worth the effort to do so.

    Firstly, note that that bonus only applies to base weapon damage, not to extra damage from attack skills or buffs like Strength of Honor. The lower your base damage the less it matters.

    Speaking generally:

    15^50 is ubiquitous because you're not going to be spending any significant time below 50% health so it's basically +15% always. If you are, you've got bigger problems than worrying about a couple points of damage. If you really care, Dervs can typically erase any downtime with 15/ench and Warriors (and WotA Assassins) can typically do so with 15/stance.

    +20% ones are useless because you can't control when they're active and you're vastly better off removing the trigger than having an extra 1-2 points of damage (if that) on your attacks.

    +5e would really only be useful in niche situations. Higher max energy is not energy management. Some people use it on daggers because the base damage is so low that boosting it by 15% won't achieve much, but I don't think that's the preferred option for most people nowadays. It's also an option on caster weapons, but that's not what you asked about.

    Also note that collectors may be interested in a weapon even if it's not actually good for anything so if it's got a max inherent mod it might be worth something (potentially a lot) regardless.